i'm just a baby in the business of love.

Apr 01, 2004 21:54

if there's one link which binds contemporary society to archaic civilizations - it's sexual relationships. since before the dawn of time artists, philosophers, and writers have captured and documented romantic rendezvous.

for example, if a studious person is interested in classical linguistics, he or she just might stumble across the poetry of Catullus. this same person would most likely take notice that Catullus makes several references to a certain sparrow which is overjoyed when it sits in the lap of his lover. please, do not be deceived by the imagery of a bird, for it's a sham. the sparrow is only a profound metaphor for the essence of his libido. yes, that's right, he has a fowl penis.

at the present time, sexual relationships are still held in the spot light. sexual innuendos, some more blatant than others, are often found in music, movies, and books. minus the bear's song, let's play guitar in a five guitar band, is a quintessential example of this: "a few summers ago we spent weeks in her room just having sex. and listening to jazz. ..and that was the life."

based on the evidence provided, sexuality unites us all is a justifiable conclusion to all of this. therefore, it could probably be refered to as the center of the universe.

but all of this only leads me to one question - for us heteros, what is it about the opposite sex? i mean really. as a girl, i know we're the first to claim all men are scum. and yet, isn't it ironic we're the first to worry when that special boy hasn't called in gasp! a whole four hours? so really, what is it about them? what's the key factor which causes our hearts to skip beats, our words to fumble or get caught in our throats, and our stomachs to ache? c'mon. is it the fact that he's intelligent? has a great sense of humor? has a warm smile? has a charismatic personality? ..or is it just the fact that he's capable of getting you off?

i, unfortunately, do not possess this answer. all i know, from observing, is that sex undoubtedly is a universal institution.

and yet, here i am - attempting to defy nature by believing boys have cooties. it's funny, i was actually convinced swearing off boys would help me forget you. i've done my best to block out the major memories of you - you know, talking for hours on the hood of your car. but then, when i'm least expecting - the minor details sneak up on me. like the time i was getting out of your car but you told me to wait because you wanted to talk. so i shut the door, and you kissed me. meanwhile the light in your vehicle made this weird buzzing noise. and we laughed, and though how romantic. and although, i will never forget the light's humm. i swear - i will forget you. i promise to stop now.

"i hate anything that limits progress and growth." - james dean.

james, i'm sure you know that by being in accordance with you, i am required to hate swearing off boys. and you know what? i do. but that doesn't mean i'll stop.
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