I have a shiny new fandom! I love shiny new fandoms! Because shiny new fandoms mean shiny new icon subjects, which is always a good time. This time around my shiny new fandom is the latest BBC take on the Robin Hood legend, a series aptly named Robin Hood. It stars the gorgeous Jonas Armstrong as the titular outlaw and is pretty much made of awesome. This time around I have batches of icons from episodes 3 and 4, "Who Shot the Sheriff" and "Parent Hood," respectively.
If you haven't yet discovered the awesomeness that is Robin Hood, you may still find something you'd like in this post, as I also come bearing icons from episode 2.19 of Supernatural ("Folsom Prison Blues") and 2.15 of Roswell ("Viva Las Vegas").
[39] Robin Hood 1.03 - Who Shot the Sheriff?
[29] Robin Hood 1.04 - Parent Hood
[27] Supernatural 2.19 - Folsom Prison Blues
[33] Roswell 2.15 - Viva Las Vegas
[128] Total
Please Note: Blanks are NOT bases, please do not customize them yourself. However, if you would like any of the icons customized (including those posted here with text), comment and I will do it for you as soon as I can. Also, if you would like a blank of one posted with text for use without any text, comment and I'll hook you up with that as well. So, without further ado, the icons...
Robin Hood 1.03 - Who Shot the Sheriff?
001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012
013 014 015
016 017 018
019 020 021
022 023 024
025 026 027
028 029 030
031 032 033
034 035 036
037 038 039
Robin Hood 1.04 - Parent Hood
040 041 042
043 044 045
046 047 048
049 050 051
052 053 054
055 056 057
058 059 060
061 062 063
064 065 066
067 068 000
no icon
Supernatural 2.19 - Folsom Prison Blues
069 070 071
072 073 074
075 076 077
078 079 080
081 082 083
084 085 086
087 088 089
090 091 092
093 094 095
Roswell 2.15 - Viva Las Vegas
096 097 098
099 100 101
102 103 104
105 106 107
108 109 110
111 112 113
114 115 116
117 118 119
120 121 122
123 124 125
126 127 128
Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble Credits:
Seeking for Redemption (Robin Hood),
dj_capslock (SPN),
StripedWall.com (Roswell)
Other Resources:
see resource postLyrics: 26, 41, 66, 69 - quote from Harry Potter
73, 82 - I believe my friend
neversince coined this phrase; certainly she was the first person I saw use it on an icon
110 - "I've Got the World on a String" (sung by Maria in the episode, it's a standard that's been covered by many)
125 - "Make This Go On Forever" by Snow Patrol
Again, blanks are not bases but I will customize them (or the with-text icons) for you if you comment and ask. Please comment if you like them, take them, or nominate them and credit either
surrexi or
how_iconic in your icon keywords/comments if you use them. Thanks, and enjoy!