Dec 30, 2005 01:41
So today I had to get up at 7 am because my awsome friends Dom and Rachel decided that they wanted to hang out at the crack of dawn! So we went to rachels after dom picked me up and then we decided we wanted some scrambled eggs! Well Rachel only had one egg in her fridge so we went to walgreens and this black guy was talking to us and he only had like 8 teeth. and Well walgreens didnt have eggs so we had to go to acme instead.... well we finally got back to rachels and ate. Then... Dom and rachel had to go to two turtles to get each other fish for their tanks for christmas... and so we went and they picked out their fish and what not. We went back to rachels again... THEN... We all decided we wanted to go see the Chronicles of Narnia since Rachel had free movie tickets for the highland theatre. It was a really good movie... and then right after the movie Dom got a call from his mom and Dom's cat got in to his bro's room and ate the feeder mouse Dom's bro was gunna feed his snake. So we went back to two turtles and bought a feeder mouse. We went back to Rachels one last time and played with that mouse for a few minutes and then me and Dom packed up and left. After I got home Andria,Maddy,and Ashley came over for a bit and we chilled. Then I went to Ashley's b/f's band practice with her and turned out no one felt like practicing so we all just sat around and watched the movie Magnolia's. Half way through the movie i get a call from my mom who was supposed to be at work and she came home early and I wasnt suppose to leave cause I had "stuff" to do around here so I told her i just went to Ashley's house and watched a movie with her... which was a bad lie cause ashley lives right up the road from me. and Where we were was in lakemore. So then my mom was like well i want you to come home so we can go get something to eat. So i start flipping out cause I thought I was in deep shit for something that I didnt do as usual... cause my fat brother is gay and frames me for all kinds of shit. (like once he stole on of my mom's condoms opened it and through the wrapper in the middle of my bedroom floor so my mom would see it... but that backfired on him) so anyway... I was all nervous to come home and see what I was gunna get bitched at for this time. I get home and my mom was just drunk and wasnt able to drive herself to taco bell cause she was hungry haha... .She skipped out on work and went and got drunk with her b/f and then made me come home so I could drive to get her taco bell. Yeah. Then Andria came over and she is staying the night and we are chillen watching Half Baked cause it's a hilarious movie! Well that was my long and overdone day. It was stressful and tiring. So I'm going to bed. Thanks for reading!!!