Vertigo by U2
"The night is full of holes
Those bullets rip the sky
Of ink with gold
They twinkle as the boys play rock and roll"
In 2004 you partied so hard... you forgot how to count.
What 2004 Hit Song Are You? pretty funny, but i will say in their defense- bono didnt forget how to count. what alot of dumbasses dont get is that the "one, two, three- fourteen"...its their fourteenth record. duh.
alright- i got my pictures from christmas loaded in here! wee!
ok- first one: my cousins! its michael, me, and shawna. we hadnt seen mikey in forEVER, but they showed up monday to my grandmas house!! fun fun fun.
these are a front and back shot of my gingerbread house. isnt it GREAT?? lol. my people were shepherds. and in the back, theyre having a snowball fight. :D
and these...well, just to show you what happens when you take pictures of me eating. lol. sexy! ;)
so take THAT! haha