Dec 10, 2004 13:42
youd think id learn my lesson and stop eating chicken kiev by the keyboard. but no.
well, one week left. then im done. completely done. until next semester, of course. i dont want to study or finish my art or anything. i also dont wanna go tonight to the show with john and michelle and michael pritzel. i dont care much for the wayside (well, when michelle sings theyre good), and i cant stand pritzel. i just hate that bitchy old queen. and josh's complete adoration of everything the man does doesnt help either. aurgh. i have stuff i could be doing instead, but noooo. im going to see bands i dont like and people i cant stand and suffer through a night of listeing to john, pritzel, erin and danny one-up each other about accomplishes and intellect and prudishness. when i should be studying.
or doing anything but that.
i need a nap. >=\