Pretty eventful weekend, if I do say so myself

Oct 02, 2006 16:35

Friday I went to the football game with my gurrrl Jamie <3 then we met up with Stam, Court, Kate, and Matt. They were bombed so I just like laughed at them the whole time. After the game Whit and Foot picked me up and we picked up Stambaugh and went back to my house. Me and Stam "did what we do best" and then made a feast and hit the hay.

Saturday I woke up at 3:30, showered and then Joe called. He wanted to "do what we do best" and then go to the Steamtown mall. Sween, Joe, Dave and Jewels picked me up and Balz came but then just went to his gram's? Hahah anyway, we were doing what we do and Sween took us along this endless road and we were all really confused. Uh then we went to the Steamtown mall to hand out flyers for their show. Hhaha they werent in the right state of mind so they like only handed out two of them but hey, it was fun. Then we went to meet up with Aaron in the Price Chopper parking lot and friggin Joe blows this whistle and this guy stops and starts talking to us, being an ass. Hes like IM A POLICE OFFICIER, SHOULD I CHECK YOUR CAR?! BLAH BLAH BLAH, the rest was a blurr. Anyway, we met up with Aaron and then dskhfsdkfh on the way back to my house.

Sunday I woke up early to Kirb and Willie laying in my bed. We watched Flavor of Love and then me and Kirb took pictures of Will with like sunglasses and stuff on. He's so hood. Yesterday was really relaxing, I sat around, did homework, worked on my sketchbook, and ate Pizza Bella.

Today it was a typical Monday. Chem was so funny because all me Tierney and Dayle do is make fun of Mrs. Moran and today she decided to yell and me and Tierney. IT WAS HILARIOUS. TIERNEYS LIKE WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO?!?! You had to be there, I just stood there laughing, along with like everyone else in the class. Period 2, painting, I did math homework. Period 3, PSSA Prep, we went over problems and then had like a free period in the computer lab. I just played solitaire. Period 4, Algebra 2, we just went over homework. Perios 5, studyhall, HILARIOUS. Me, Stam, Nick, enough said. Period 6 PESTA ahhh thats another story. Period 7, French 1 honors, that class isn't even real. Period 8, Mr. Sabia, ALWAYS A PLEASURE!

Agenda for tonight- Me and Jamie <333333
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