Senior spirit ... my school has this crazy spirit week called "Fang Fest" [Souhegan in Amherst] .... every day of the week there is a different thing to dress up in [ie, school colors, class colors] and at the end of the week everyone dresses up in the theme previously chosen by their class. This year's theme for the seniors? Pirates! I'll have pictures of that soon- these are from school colors day [black and gold]. I thought they were kind of neat, and wanted to share.
Monica and I in advisory
Shanna, putting on her Saber tattoo
Rob and Matt attacking me
Rob silly stringing some Freshmen
Dom, Russ, and Aidan
Jaime's car- all the seniors met at the playground in town [Cemetary Fields] to decorate and drive in together honking ...
Every senior car looked like this [Emilys]
My class, causing a ruckus in the cafeteria ... dancing on tables and such. I wish this picture was clearer.
"Hey Seniors, how do you feel? We feel good, oh we feel so good, uh!"
Our badass t-shirts
Kyle sitting next to our palm tree, the pitt mascott
Bryan, Amie, myself, and Katie
The Pitt Queen and the Pitt King
Emily and Bryan being super productive in our 20 minute Latin class
Amie and Linz, also getting a lot done in Latin
Me, after the sky opened up and shit on me .. this was after a two minute walk out to the car
The mustard stain on my pants! I'm such a slob!
My crown, after the rain storm