Mar 04, 2008 22:44
_Yay. Its a late update, but I'm here! I'm getting too pregnant for everything! haha
_Today I'm 26 weeks pregnant. Awwe, Its all coming too fast! I had my doctors appt and everything is good. Little Rylan decided he doesnt like the doppler, and they were chasing him around my belly haha. It was cute. His heartbeat was 129. Hes getting so big! Rylan already has an additude. He doesnt like it when I lay on my side, so he just kicks the bed or pillow until I move over. haha Oh, and he doesnt like the vaccums! After my next appt April 1st, I start going every 2 weeks!
_I have another 4 hours of internship-ing tomarrow! lol I didnt clarify that I had 14 sticks just at the hospital, and now I have 36 total, because sticks from my class counted also. Its not as scary as I thought it would be. Everyone is really nice. If I need too, I get to sit down and have a snack, so everything is good.
_I havent worked much. I told my manager that Id work Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday's. I dont think I can do both. Thats alot of work! I'm being a lazy preggers! lol I cant even carry laundry to the laundry room anymore, or put on my own socks! Well besides that, I work 19 hours thrusday, friday, and saturday.
_I still feel bad I havent read my friend pages. I'll be home at 12 tomarrow, but I'll probley need a nap again. I took one after the doctors and our breakfast outing lol, then another one before Zack left for work.
:) Good night everyone!