I'm sure I probably say this at about the same time every year, but I really hate the hot weather. The sun I can deal with, but once the temperature rises to the point that I'm constantly uncomfortable indoors, that's where my issues begin. It just makes me lethargic, and concentrating on anything is an effort. I can't play games very well, either. If anything requires me to focus on what I'm doing, like racing games, I just end up sweaty and frustrated. I think this is the weather to be playing Fallout 3 and Dwarf Fortress (Although the later does required a considerable degree of concentration) as opposed to Ridge Racer 6 and Forza Motorsport 2. So, that is what I shall do.
I ordered a laptop last Thursday. Specifically, a
Samsung R509, with a 2.16GHz Dual Core processor, 3GB of RAM and a 500GB hard drive (Its only failing is the graphics set, which is onboard Intel badness). I was hoping that it would be delivered this week, but I got an email this morning saying there was a problem processing my debit card. It's most likely just my bank being cautious in the event of such a large payment, so I'll go in tomorrow and sort it out. I want my laptop!
Finally, I was working on Saturday! There were a few things that needed to be checked over, so a few of us went in. After work, we went to the Korean restaurant that Dave and I used to go to every month back at the old place. It was nice!
And that's what's going on with me!