Dec 22, 2008 20:43
Oh, hello! What? Put that down! Ah!
So, it's been a while. Here's an account of the past week or so, which I plan to keep as brief as possible:
The day after my trip to London to meet Jon, Ash and James, I travelled to Retford to spend the weekend with Steve, Sarah and Jon (Again). It was an 'all gaming, all of the time' kind of weekend, which was comprised mostly of Rock Band 2, Left 4 Dead and Geometry Wars 2, but also took in a game of Scene It which seemed to go on forever, 4-player madness in Castle Crashers, repeated deaths in Mirror's Edge, transvestites and dog abuse in Fable 2, and flying bears in Red Alert 3.
God, that was actually two weeks ago.. I don't even remember much of what happened at work in that time. It's been pretty uneventful, and I seemed to become more tired and scatterbrained with every passing day. I managed to get the majority of my Christmas shopping done, but I just couldn't find anything for Steve and Sarah. I'll try and plop something in the post for you when I get back, guys!
The Saturday after my weekend in Retford, I went shopping in Cambridge with my housemate, Harika. I bought two pairs of jeans, a hoodie and a hat with money that my parents gave me for my birthday. On the subject of purchases, I recently acquired the following CDs:
Nick Drake - Bryter Layter
PETSET - Flow Motion, Feather Light
DANGERDOOM - The Mouse and the Mask
Mr. Lif - Mo' Mega (A fantastic album, with some sweet production by El-P)
El-P - Cannibal OXtrumentals
Tool - 10,000 Days
Takagi Masakatsu - Journal For People (Present from James! Minimal, glitchy electronica)
Helios - Caesura (Also from James)
Lone - Lemurian (A nice mix of IDM and hip-hop)
Wow, quite a lot of albums. It occurs to me that I haven't really been mentioning my CD purchases recently. I don't think I said anything about Boris' album, Smile (Japanese psychedelic metal), Germlin's Youth Pixxel (Frenetic Bitcore, although I actually just downloaded this), or Pendulum's Hold Your Colour (Not much to say there, though).
Anyway, bringing things up to date: On Friday I went for Christmas lunch with people from work. The food was really good, and I had red wine and champagne with it. The only real highlight of the event was Dave and I having a conversation with Layla from the art department about what we called female genitals (Though I have no idea how we got onto the topic). I told her I was quite happy to refer to them as vaginae, and she confided that girls like them to be called 'Minky' or 'pushkin'. Truth or bollocks?
After the dinner, Conor and I made our way to Stansted Airport, and flew to our respective parts of Ireland. I had to deal with Ryanair's horrible queues, however, and it took me about an hour to check in my bag. Anyway, I made it with no problems, and I'm now in Ireland for Christmas. Oh, I forgot to mention: I bought Fallout 3 a couple of weeks ago, which I've been playing pretty regularly. I also bought Geometry Wars Evolved 2 and Every Extend Extra Extreme on XBLA, both of which are pretty sweet. Jon also lent me Fable 2 and Dead Rising, so my gaming for the next month is pretty much sorted.
I should go now, anyway. Bye!
fallout 3