Sep 27, 2008 13:16
No doubt brought on by the fact that two of my housemates watch The X-Factor on a daily basis at around the same time as I get something to eat in the evenings, I had a dream about an X-Factor-style talent show this morning. It was very detailed, and there was quite a long storyline involving a couple of guys. I've forgotten what it was about, though. All I remember, and the reason I'm posting about it, was about this girl. Like most of the contestants on the show, I didn't think she was very good, but I don't think she was very popular, so I felt a kind of sympathy towards her. She was performing a kind of Shirley Bassey-style pop song, and I could hear every detail of it in my dream, right down to the orchestral arrangement. I've forgotten the lyrics now, but it was something about a 'Dying Dream'. Anyway, near the end of her performance, she was walking down some steps in the audience, having left the stage, but she missed her footing, and fell forward! It was quite a long way, and I was kind of shocked, so I snorted in my sleep, which woke me up. The end.
I have no plans for this weekend, which is a good thing, considering I haven't had much time to myself for the last three. I imagine I might see something at the cinema. Apart from that, nothing!