Bizarre dream, Asda failure

Oct 30, 2015 18:59

Very strange dream a few nights ago ... someone, whom I haven't seen for years now, choking on what I think was a slice of tomato (!) ... in a doughnut shop. We don't even have a doughnut shop locally! Fisher & Donaldson are bakers who make some very nice doughnuts, and there is a little Krispy Kreme kiosk in the Overgate, but no actual doughnut shop in that sense. So, quite how she might come to choke on a slice of tomato in one ...

I used the third of my four £10 off vouchers for Asda. Again, the delivery arrived a full hour early: 7pm, having chosen an 8-10pm slot. Not really a problem, I'd only chosen that late slot because it was the cheapest, but still a little irritating when they specify a time. A new record for problems: six items missing (five individual rice pudding pots and one of the various bottles of fruit cider I'd ordered to take to the Halloween party tomorrow*), three bad substitutions (two whole milk instead of one skimmed and one semi-skimmed, and taramasalata instead of tzatziki) - and one of the bottles of fruit cider arrived leaking from a damaged top. The driver was very helpful, but seemed to be having technical problems with the portable barcode scanner and only managed to process the damaged item; I had to deal with the rest online later.

Somehow, I suspect once the final voucher is used, I'll be reverting to Tesco. I like Asda's prices and many of their own-brand products, but their delivery service just isn't up to the job.

* - really yesterday - I'm a bit behind at typing entries in, but trying to get closer to real-time updates now. Excellent fireworks and food as always, which I'll be writing about tomorrow and calling it today, even though by then it'll be two days ago. Except we've just passed midnight, so now that's today as well ...
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