It's "Dr House" in French - BOYCOTT DUBBING!

Jun 17, 2007 15:24

I just finished watching a few episodes of House in French- out of pure curiosity.
It's here, if you're interested -and in the off chance that somebody else than me is actually reading this journal LOL

You know the saying, 'curiosity killed the cat'? Well, indeed it damn near killed me here.

Gawwwd, people! Will you PLEASE learn to speak English, for Chrissake?!?!

Or at least make the effort to read subtitles when there are some and when the movie happens to be in its original version. Noooooot THAT complicated, I can  assure you, all you need is a pair of eyes, which, I assume you have.

I KNOW that foreign languages are not exactly your strong point -the least you can say, but COME OOOON!

You don't even realize how much you lose with these ridiculous dubbings.
Like the jokes, for instance ... you'll never get to fully grasp House's snarkiness and sarcasm. Too bad for you.
You not only lose meaning, but you also lose part of the film/TV show in the process. And that BLOWS.

And to top it all, they just HAD to give him the most ridiculously ridiculous French voice of all. That was the icing on the cake.

-beginning with US films and TV shows -I mean, they're in English originally so why dubbing them? Doesn't make any sense to me

Correct me if I'm wrong, but THEY don't dub our movies, now do they? NOOOOOOO.
First reason: not that many French films actually make it overseas -they prefer their own movies -I certainly can't (and won't) blame them (Ooohhh, no!) <-- another matter I have lots of things to say about (lol)
Second (wrong) reason: I've heard some say that it's because Americans are lazy (dubbing is a lot of work), well hell-ooooo, it's not that. No. It's because they are (IMO) willing to appreciate the richness and beauty of the French language -unlike we are with English. Because speaking French is nice and cool, (and hip). Now can somebody please tell me since when is speaking English not nice, not cool -not useful?-???

WE, on the contrary of our American/English speaking friends, are a bunch of lazy ignorant people who basically dread having to make the effort -Oh my, careful there! You might strain a muscle- to read subtitles on a movie/TV screen ... Oh, yeah, people have died from this you know?

I've been there. Agreed, it might be a real pain in the ass at the beginning, but you get used to it, and YES it is actually also a very good exercise for those of you who are learning the language. Listening is an important part of the learning process, in case you didn't know already. Well, now you do.
SO ... subtitles, OK, but NO DUBBING!!

 and anti-art as well, i might add. It really kills a movie/TV show. It's sacrilege. It's -just plain WRONG. It should be against the law.

To quote Dr Grey, "SEriously!" Once you've tasted the real thing, you'll never want to taste anything else EVER. You'll see it just can't get any better than this. There is just nothing like the real deal. Trust me

Oh, and yeah, Hugh Laurie's real voice is just O-M-G! *shivers all over* SO-DAMN-HOT!

dubbing, movies, house md

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