L Word season 5 episode 4 ... caving in or not caving in, that 'was' the question.

Jan 27, 2008 23:27

Tasha "don't ask, don't tell" storyline, closeted married couple attending a Super Private Closeted Hollywood Party (who's Aunt Sally, I wonder), closeted father/basketball player, closeted Hollywood actress. The general storyline of the episode was a bit painful. Painful because you realize -that is if you happen to be a normal open-minded individual endowed with feelings and with a brain that's functioning properly, you realize how hard it must be to live in the dark like that. To live two lives. And to have to do that -even at the risk of losing your sanity- because society won't evolve and because to some people tolerance and acceptance have never been anything but words. Empty words. You realize how hard it must be to be a prisoner of your own conflicted self = constantly juggling with every single aspect of your life, how to live a fulfilling life in a society that can't seem to be able to accept you for who you are... is 'Vivons heureux vivons cachés' (French for 'Live happy, live hidden') really the solution or the problem? I don't think I need to answer that one.

Closeted Hollywood Parties? REALLY??

Shane: you're looking very __ Shane horny today. It was indeed starting to get real messy in that pretty head of hers.
A pronouced preference for see thru tops, a disturbing naked (cleaning) women daydream (they're EVERYWHERE!), food-for-sex deal with the devil, eyes burning with envy? desire? lust? Virtual digital play with Lara Croft -nothing dirty really, lack of sex is NOT why she's playing the game, folks come on have a little faith in the horny lady here!
Abs, bras, cleavage, friends, Tomb Raider, even girls sweeping floors and changing light bulbs turn her on. Oh my. My advice to you L Word addicts would have been to take those rainbow (or whatever) colored umbrellas out of their closet, 'cause when that one would finally be ready to get back to her old self, it would have gotten U-GLY SEX-AAAAAYYYY.
I was right -I'm no rocket scientist, just someone who has an inexplicable crush on Shane. She HAD to cave in ... and she did! *yay* Another nervous rubbin' of the nose session at the beginning of the episode was yet another sign that all hell was gonna break loose real SOON -and indeed it did *Par-TAAAAAYYY!* By the way ... WHOA. A threesome?  0_o  Hot.

The self-defense class was fun, especially when two of our L Wordettes got upset and yelled "NO!" (NO! to sex for Shane and NO! to Nikki for Jenny) with more conviction than they were asked for, all the while throwing power punches that could have killed their sorry partners.

Jenny Jenny Jenny (<-- add 'roll-eyes' movement' here). Rudely spitting her Nicorette gum *F-you-in-your-face-à-la-Jenny gesture* (TWICE), throwing a tantrum saying "NO NO NO!" (TWICE) the minute someone says something she doesn't like, covering her ears when Tina utters the word "Fuckable". She's like an angry spoiled little brat ("bra-dult? ad-brat?" -bear with me, I'm trying here ... she's like a mix between a 6-year-old brat and a temperamental adult) She needs to wake up and grow up. I'm tellin' ya, the girl is asking for a serious spanking -wait. That she might actually like (remember the "That was awesome! That was TOtally amazing. I loved that" line at the beginning when she's watching the "Lez Girls" audition tape and one of the actresses on screen slaps her acting partner -Weird Jenny. Weird weird weird Jenny ... but oh so funny)
Once again I am speechless when looking at how complex and interesting this character has become over the five years the show's been running.

Beech ... not a b*tch after all.

Is it me or there was like a TON of French songs in this episode? Well ... French must be really 'in' these days. Whatever. Being French, it was disturbing. Ever since I moved here, it's like the French are following me everywhere I go with their "soirées", "déjà vu" and "je-ne-sais-quoi".

Is Kit going all Jackie Brown on us again? After the Jackie Brown prison catwalk last week, watch closely when Kit goes to the gun shop and gets her hands on this canon gun. The look on her face when she's holding that monster is priceless. "Next motherf*cker who tries that, I'm gonna GET-HIS-A**!"

O-M-F-G. The TiBette scene at the end was SO intense. The music was perfect, and seeing Bette, who's always been the strong one, composed, constantly doing her best to keep her emotions inside, totally lose it and break down in tears in Tina's arms was the icing on the cake. Great acting. Great scene.

So, apparently, it's all about the de-gay-ifying ... is it, really?
I mean sure, you know, that's kinda what's happening right now with society or at least what many people would like to see happening -'closet cases' reunion (pity?) parties, don't-ask-and-OMG-never-tell-ever policies ... Does that really works? Trying to deny who you really are? Conformity? Going against one's nature?
Hell, even Shane wasn't able to de-sex-ify herself. So de-gay-ify?? Pfffff fuggedaboutit! My take on this is, don't ever try anything that starts with 'de-' and ends with '-ify'. Bad, if you ask me.

Lines that said 'LOL' :

"Has anyone seen Shane's vagina, 'cause I think she dropped it somewhere" 
(Alice's reaction to Shane telling her to shut the f*ck up about the self defense trainer liking her)

"Oh my God! This is so expensive I could buy a house ... in Cambodia with this watch!"
(Jenny admiring the watch that William Halsey sent her in a desperate and not so subtle attempt to bribe her to accept Nikki as her lead)

"Jesus Christ! It looks like South Beach threw up!"
(Shane arriving at the Shebar party)

l word review

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