I just bought tickets to a
Uh Huh Her concert in SF @ the Bottom Of The Hill club on November 18th. I am SOOOOOOOO f***ing exCIted!
I absolutely LOVE their song "Say So". Gotta get myself a dedicated CD. Oh yeah.
Maaaan, this is gonna be so AWSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME! I am so looking forward to this. Plus, no class the following Monday because Thanksgiving break. All the more reason to be happy, dontcha think
The club looks fab' (lol now I talk like a valley girl AHAH) Seriously. Looks great.
http://www.bottomofthehill.com/InPictures.html OK I admit it, I am also very excited because Leisha Hailey who sings and plays guitar in the band ALSO happens to play Alice in The L Word. Yep. I watch it and I looooove it. Straight girl watching The L Word WTF LOL Not unheard of, I guarantee you. Hey hey hey no judging! It IS a damn good show -yay for Kate Moennig, that girl rocks my socks off.
Anyway, Alice, pffff she's just too hilarious
Yay me. I rock my socks off.