Le retour du masochiste--It's painless...really!

Jul 31, 2007 22:24

I haven' ranted vented or otherwise rambled in a while. Especially since lately, I have been spending almost no time a home.
Literally, on any given day I wake up at around 8:30-9:30, eat, exercise for a bit, shower and leave the house by around 12. Then I get home from where-ever (usually nowhere great; book sores, libraries, parks to draw in etc) at around 7-8:30 and eat dinner/computer/exercise until about 11 at which time I go out for an hour long bike ride with a stopover at either Dominion, Food basics or shoppers for a drink and my next days food (sigh-- my parents are being retards again).

Anyway, today has not been a good bike day.
I completely blame myself for this seeing as I went out at around 9:15 or so. WAAAAY too early.
It started of bad; I forgot my iPod, miscalculated the turn and fell, skinning my knee.
Ofcourse I ignored it, got my mp3 player and got on the bike again, oozy bloody mess and all. But you know-- this sor of thing happens when you're not careful; AKA me.
I'll make a long story short.
I almost got trampled, had to make several abrupt stops for little children (where the FUCK are their parents and why are they not asleep at 10:00pm???) , kept getting on the "wrong side" of the road (once I actually WAS on the wrong side, the other 4 times the other bikers were and that is why they should have been the ones to make way.) one instance of my actually halting in the middle of a crossing because me and another biker (wrong way dammit!) had no "ZAA"...in other words we kept turning the same way and blocking each other path.

This is all about 30 minutes in. At this point I should have known to turn around and go home... but no.
Inevitably, out of knowhere I hear a clunk; shit my iPod fell. WDF? it was secured!!! 
I keep going, almost get run over by a chinese guy in a van who looks suspiciously sleepy... and then I go home.
Icky day.

To top it all off, I'm missing a grade for the major project in my math course which I handed in before the cut off an got the "OK" from my teacher but the site is down and I can't get in touch with my teacher.
I still pass by quite a wide margin, by why settle? Thankfully I got perfect on the exam, but hello! MAJOR PROJECT. 15 fucking percent!

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