Week 24: Submission post

Jan 14, 2007 19:43

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus, I semi-abandoned LJ during holidays.. But now, without further ado, here's the new theme. ^^

This week you may choose between two themes. Or, you can combine them.

-There must be two words on your icon, no more, no less.
-Tiny text is allowed and does not count for the two words maximum in this theme.
-Contractions (Didn't, shouldn't, etc) are counted as one word.
-For this theme, you may use your own images.

-You may use either the pre-cropped bases or the large images behind the cut. If you choose this theme, use only the images provided.


* You may send up to THREE ICONS
* You must be a member to submit icons
* Icons submitted must make their first appearances here. If they are posted anywhere else, they will be disqualified
* Keep your icons anonymous until the contest is over or they will be disqualified: this means you cannot show your submission to other users (or use it as user picture)
* All submitted icons must fit LJ standards (100x100, 40 kb)
* NO animated icons are allowed
* NO fanart allowed

Good image galleries if you're in need of material:

Miroku centric
Houshi-stills gallery
Lost Wind Chime
Inuyasha Moon
Miroku @ Anime Galleries

Inuyasha general series
The Inuyasha Journey
Anime Euphoria
Inuyasha Stuff

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask! ^^

All icons are due SATURDAY, JANUARY 20TH AT 1PM EST.

Have fun! ^^
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