Remembering childhood prophecies

Nov 20, 2016 21:33

The memories of the future bled through to me as a child. I was told to keep still during prayer as a child. I would go into a meditative state during these moments of constraint which I thought I how we communicate to God. I would go into tunnels like wormholes inside my head and have vivid dreams of my future but using signs I would understand at that point in my adolescence.

Memories of the locust in the fall on Lake Street which lead to my Aunt's orchard would be in my head. Making the journey to my Aunt's home when my eldest sister was left sick in the street. We watched her decay from the bay window overlooking the dark orchard and the illuminated street where she lay.

My aunt's home is now long gone. The orchard has been bulldozed into parking for the Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall that had been erected in its place.

My sister is in a house a street parallel to where I saw her lay in that dream decades ago.

I now understand that dream.
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