We're Okay

May 20, 2010 23:10

As the scene fades to black and the curtain closes on a tumultuous Season 6, this is what I envision taking place after the harrowing events of the season finale.

And with the tentativeness of a man too long hurt by love, House traced his lips delicately over Cuddy’s, searching for any indication that this was it, that he was no longer a victim of life’s harsh circumstance. With each taste of her, it felt more and more real. It was real this time, no hallucination necessary to bring him a happiness that had for so long eluded him. But it still felt too good to be true.

He regretfully pulled his lips away from hers. “How do I know I’m not hallucinating?”

Cuddy smiled softly up at him, understanding why his eyes were wary with trepidation. But she knew the truth. “Did you take the Vicodin?”

House opened his hand revealing the two white pills. Satisfied with the fact that they were still there, he said, “Nope.”

“Then I think we’re okay,” Cuddy said to not only reassure House, but herself as well.

It was then that Cuddy noticed the change in House as a rare smile formed across his lips. Looking into his eyes, she saw something in them that she hadn’t seen before - hope.

“Yea,” he whispered, letting the Vicodin fall from his hands, a soft ping ringing out as the pills hit the tile floor providing the only evidence that they were ever there.

They grinned at each other in a way that only two long lost lovers finally reunited could, as House once again leaned in to finish the kiss that he had started. His hand that had only seconds before been clinging to his Vicodin like an old teddy bear now sought out hers. Their fingers, soiled as a reminder of the harrowing events from the earlier hours of the day, interlocked in an unspoken promise to one another. House captured her lips with much more assurance this time, knowing that this was truly the beginning of something he had envisioned would happen in the most vivid and fanciful of his dreams. And now it was a reality - and the truth didn’t sting. It wasn’t harsh and cold.

“I think we should shower,” Cuddy whispered against his lips.

House continued to kiss her. Now that he started it, he never intended to stop. “I don’t think that’s going to be possible here.”

Cuddy let out a soft throaty laugh and tugged at his leather jacket. “I’m not talking about that.”

House pulled away from her and pointed to the tub, filled with broken mirror shards. “Neither was I.”

“Ah, I see. Well, we should clean up and get your shoulder bandaged. You want to drive with me to my house?”

“Your new place?” House asked, hoping that the answer was anything but a ‘yes’.

Cuddy reached her free hand up to his jaw line and caressed it gently. “No, all my stuff is still at my old place. Rachel’s there with the nanny, too.”

“Ok,” House nodded in relief. “Just let me go get a change of clothes.”

As Cuddy loosened her grip on his hand, House’s fingers lingered, tracing the top of her hand as she walked out into the hallway. With a deep inhale, he turned and walked into the darkness of his bedroom. He slipped off his leather jacket and tossed it carelessly into the chair next to his bed and made his way to the bureau. As he pulled out a clean shirt, House noticed that his hands were shaking uncontrollably. It was only then that he noticed his heart felt like it was about to beat out of his chest - the emotion of the day suddenly becoming too much for even him to bear. Just hours before, he had witnessed life at its most brutal, the world effectively closing the door on him. And, now, new life had sprung forth, a life with her, a life with love. House willed the tears not to come.

“House?” Cuddy called from the entryway.

House cleared his throat. “Coming.”

As he approached her, the light from the street lamps cascading off her face making her look like an angel, House noticed that she was still wearing the same smile. It was a face that he knew he wanted to wake up next to every morning.

“You ready?” She asked.

House grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Yeah, let’s go home.”

His words weren’t lost on Cuddy as he led her out of his apartment. The drive to Cuddy’s was made in silence. Too much had occurred today to talk about anything further. Everything didn’t need to be said on this night - they had already allowed the shields that had been protecting their hearts for the past twenty years to be lowered. The battle was over - white flags raised in surrender to the love that they both knew would ultimately conquer them.

House continued to hold Cuddy’s hand, drawing circles against her palm with his thumb as he looked out the window. He always thought that if this moment ever came, he would be terrified of screwing it up just as soon as it began. But now that the moment had finally arrived, he felt strangely calm, like it was place he had always truly belonged. Maybe it was Cuddy’s words that comforted him.

“Do you think I can fix myself?”

“I don’t know.”

“Cuz I am the most screwed up person in the world.”

“I know. I love you. I wish I didn’t but I can’t help it.”

Her brutal honesty, the fact that she didn’t know whether it could or even would work, the fact that she gave up her best chance for stability despite all the uncertainties, for him, told him more than anything. That she wasn’t going to let him fail. And he didn’t want to. He had been a fugitive for long enough. It was time to come home.

When Cuddy pulled up in the driveway, she turned to House and said, “You can go take a shower. I’m going to talk with Marina and check on Rachel.”

House nodded. “Okay.”


House stood under the showerhead, the water beating down on his head and shoulders as he watched the blood and direct disappear down the drain just like that. The inner scars left by the night would be much harder to rid himself of. It was when he was reaching for her body wash, a body wash he would not be caught dead with under any other circumstance, that he heard the bathroom door creak open, revealing the perfect silhouette of Cuddy’s naked body to him. Before House could even register a single coherent thought, he felt Cuddy’s arm reach out over his shoulder and grab the soap from his hand.

House fought every urge inside of him to turn around and drink in the image of her, lathering the soap between her delicate hands. He was rewarded for his patience when he felt her hands on his back, mindful of the deep scrape that covered the better part of his shoulder. Her hands danced down his back, kneading out all the knots that had formed as a result of being stuck in the cramped space beneath the rubble for so long. House dropped his head forward and closed his eyes, blocking out everything except for the sound of the water and the feeling of her hands on him.

“Turn around.” Cuddy whispered.

House slowly turned as he was told, his cerulean eyes clashing with hers in the same way they always did. Nothing would ever change that. Not being able to resist her for even a second longer, House cupped Cuddy’s face with both of his hands and delicately placed his lips on hers. His kisses continued to be soft and slow as he no longer felt the need to rush, vowing then and there to not take anything for granted, reveling in each and every taste of her.

Cuddy continued to wash House, down his strong, broad chest, up his arms that had only seemed to become more defined over the years, while House stole kisses from her, placing his lips against her forehead, her shoulders, the nape of her neck. Their interactions were tender, a deep sense of vulnerability evident, which was in direct contrast to everything they had pretended to be around each other in the past.

“I think it’s my turn now,” House said as he leaned down to pick up the body wash.

House took a step back to look at her and determine where he wanted to begin. His eyes traced over every curve of her body, not in lust but in true appreciation for everything that she was. A wry smile appeared on his face as he lifted his soapy hands to her cheeks, leaving a beard of suds on her in his wake.

Cuddy let out a gasp and went to scold him but when she looked at him and saw the childish spark in his eye, she couldn’t do anything but laugh. As he poured another dollop of gel in his hand he said, “Ok, let me try for real this time.

Cuddy lifted her eyebrow in suspicion and let out a Hmm, but her doubts were quickly quelled as she felt House’s hands on her shoulders, grazing over her skin with the tips of his fingers. His path took him down her arms, to her hips, over her taut stomach when he paused, seeking out her permission before he moved forward with his journey. Cuddy nodded her head in approval, knowing what he was asking.

Slowly, House moved his hands over her breasts, whispering his thumbs over her nipples as he spread the soap across her skin. House’s hands didn’t linger there as he continued to wash her chest and up to her neck. House had always been good with his hands. They were rough and worn, marred by his days as an athlete and calloused from the many nights spent alone strumming on his guitar. But against her skin, the way his fingers glided across her effortlessly like they did across his piano, there wasn’t a better sensation in the world.

House pulled her against his chest in an effort to join him under the spray of the shower to wash the soap away. Still holding her in one arm, he used his free hand to reach down and shut off the water. They continued to hold each other as the steam from the hot water began to evaporate. When House felt Cuddy begin to shiver, he grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped her in it before repeating the process for himself.

Walking into her bedroom, Cuddy said, “Go sit on the bed. I’m going to go get the first-aid kit so I can redress your shoulder.”

“Okay,” House said as he absently rubbed his thigh.

“Does your leg hurt?”

House nodded truthfully.

“Okay, I’ll bring you something for that, too.”

“Thank you.”

Cuddy returned a few moments later and handed him a bottle of ibuprofen. She was just going to give him a couple of pills, but knew it wasn’t her decision to determine how bad his leg was hurting him.

House stared at nothing in particular as Cuddy carefully dried his shoulder with a towel.

“Hannah was a good kid,” House stated, void of any real emotion.

“Yea, she was.” Cuddy wasn’t sure what else to say.

House continued. “She didn’t deserve to die.”

“No,” Cuddy said as she dropped the towel and grabbed House’s face, forcing him to meet her stare. “She didn’t. Life is unfair, most of the time it doesn’t even make any sense. But you did all you could and then some. House, I’m proud of you.”

A single tear fell down House’s cheek as he remember Hannah’s fear-filled eyes on him as she futilely fought for her last breaths. “I can’t help but think what if I had let you do the amputation earlier..”

Cuddy interrupted him. “House, you did nothing wrong. At that point, the risks either way were 50/50. You can’t blame yourself.”

House closed his eyes. “I know.”

“Come on.” Cuddy grabbed his hand. “Let’s just go to sleep. It’s been a long day for both of us.”

As physically and emotionally exhausted as House was, he didn’t think that sleep would come to him. Too many things to think about. But as soon as he discarded his towel and laid his head on the pillow, the feel of Cuddy’s bare body against his side, he knew it wasn’t going to be a problem. Cuddy laid her head on House’s chest like it was something they had done every night for twenty years. House threaded his fingers through Cuddy’s head and dropped a kiss on her forehead.



“Thank you for saving me.”

“You saved yourself,” Cuddy murmured against his chest.

House smiled and drifted off into one of the most satisfying slumber he had ever had. For once, his nightmares no longer resembled reality.


House’s eyes fluttered open as the first light of morning seeped through the bedroom curtains and the memories of the previous night flooded his mind. He looked down and saw that Cuddy was still sleeping peacefully on his chest, not even moving one inch during the night. He smiled at his luck. She really was beautiful. How she could love someone like him, he didn’t know. All that he knew was that she did and that was fine by him.

House brushed a strand of hair behind her ear that had fallen over her face and she stirred at the contact. When she opened her eyes and tilted her head up, she was greeted by a very familiar pair of blue eyes and a playful smirk.

“Good morning,” House whispered before giving her a soft peck on the lips.

“Yes, it is.” Cuddy smiled.

House glanced at the clock. 6 o’clock. “What time does Rachel usually get up?”

“Usually between 6:30 and 7, but Marina said that with all the phone calls coming from the hospital last night, she wasn’t able to put her down at her normal bedtime. So hopefully it’ll be a little later than that. Why?”

House smiled. “I just wanted to know if we would get interrupted. I can wait if you think we will be.”

Cuddy laughed. “Yea, but I can’t.”

And with that, Cuddy pressed her lips to House’s and rolled herself under him. Kissing her was quickly becoming one of his favorite pastimes. Slow and deliberate was the pace he set, his tongue gently caressing hers. This was their time, this was their story to be written by them. And he didn’t want their story to be read like some cheesy romance novel, he wanted a classic love story that stood the test of time.

His hands ran down her sides, memorizing the curves of her body that he always longed for, but had never been able to attain, until now. He wanted to make this about her. Though she denied it, Cuddy was his savior. Without her, he reckoned he would have given up on life long ago. But she never let him quit, she was always to pull him from the ledge back to safety whenever he was ready to jump. He dropped his head and softly traced the curvature of her breasts with his stubbled chin which elicited a soft gasp from Cuddy. He reached for her hand and stretched it above her head, interlocking their fingers, as he twirled his tongue around her nipple.

To say that House had a heart of stone was something uttered only by those who didn’t know him well. His heart was made of glass, so fragile, that even the slightest of pain could completely shatter it. He didn’t love less than the average person, he loved more and that was his problem. So hard he fell for the people he loved, that he closed himself off, never risking heartache for fear that he would never recover. There weren’t many sure things in life - and the things that are sure are pretty awful, but he was sure of his love for Cuddy. And he was sure that it was requited.

Cuddy arched herself into House’s mouth and raked her hand through his hair, drawing him in closer to her. It was a warm spring morning, perspiration forming on both of their naked bodies as they lay intertwined underneath the sheets. He lifted his slick body back up to her face and took her lips captive in a desperate plea to show her how much he loved her. He knew it wasn’t something he could tell her often but he was determined to show it any other way he could.

House opened his eyes and looked down at her waiting for her to return his gaze. When she did, his eyes asked her if she was ready. No words were needed as Cuddy lifted her neck to kiss him in a way she knew would take his breath away, while her hand snaked down his stomach to take hold of his length. House let out a moan as she gave him a few gentle strokes to ensure that he was ready, not that it was necessary. Just waking up with her in his arms was all he needed to do the trick.

Lifting up on his free arm, House maintained eye contact as she guided him into her. Cuddy threw her head back and gasped as he filled her perfectly. After a few test thrusts to make sure that she was comfortable, House’s gaze permanently connected to hers, he began to move within her, driven by sheer need. Had he not been completely entranced by her, House would have surely felt the swarm of butterflies trying to take his stomach captive.

Cuddy desperately grasped at his back as House moved deeper inside of her - he wasn’t rushed nor was he fast, he was deliberate, determined to bring her to the utmost of pleasure. She was growing weaker by the minute, clinging to him in a losing attempt to hang on for just a few minutes longer. House felt Cuddy tremble below him, the moment had long ago become too intense to maintain eye contact. He closed his lips onto hers as her cries of pleasure became lost within House’s own gasps.

Cuddy urged him on as she rode out her climax, rocking her hips in tune with his thrusts that had grown more intense as he came closer and closer to the edge. House cried out as he felt Cuddy tighten around him, helpless against the forces of nature that were overcoming him. Cuddy pulled back and observed his face as he finally came and spilled himself into her, eyes clamped shut, mouth open, completely stripped, no walls that need to be broken down.

Their foreheads met as they tried to slow their breathing. House dropped soft lingering kisses on her lips, almost sad that the moment was over, but knowing that there would be many more to follow. When Cuddy opened her eyes, they couldn’t help but smile at each other. It had been a moment that had been twenty years in the making and they had finally arrived.

Just as House regretfully rolled off of Cuddy, Rachel’s incoherent babbles became audible through the baby monitor. House rubbed his thumb across her stomach. “She waited until we were done. I think I can learn to like your kid.”

Cuddy let out that throaty laugh of hers that never failed to turn him on and pulled him into an embrace. This wasn’t the end of their story by any means, but House already knew that it had a happy ending. For being an eternal pessimist, he didn’t know why he was so sure it would work. And for once, he didn’t need to know the answer. And then he smiled despite himself.

season 6, cuddy, house, we're okay, huddy

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