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Feb 02, 2012 19:59

10 reasons why a logo doesn’t cost $30 (or $50, or $100, or even $200

Run, don’t walk from cheap logo design

I got a phone call not so long ago from a prospective client asking about having a logo designed. Great, I thought, that’s what I do! Unfortunately they found out that I was way out of their budget. Now, I get it…even the starting price of what I charge for logos isn’t exactly cheap, but you’d be hard-pressed to find a professionally designed logo for much less than that. The same is true for all design, but right now I’m focusing on logos because there seems to be a rather recent influx of cheap logo design out there, plus clients who expect to pay next to nothing for their logo. Like, less than $200.

So why aren’t logos $30? Or even $200? What’s so bad about that? There seems to be a disconnect between what designers know and what everyone else thinks they know when it comes to the reality of logo design, and why it’s not cheap. The reasons are many, but let me just start out by saying us designers aren’t trying to take you for all your worth; rather, we know what goes into creating a logo that will last a lifetime. Here’s some of those secrets:
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