Recommendations Page

Feb 10, 2006 17:29

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Recommended reading, both single universe and crossover. Sorted alphabetically by dominant universe. These are all completed stories unless otherwise marked. They may be part of an uncompleted series, however.

1. Xander in Africa: A series of Xander drabbles for each of the countries in Africa. [note: Iyalode writes my favorite Xander, and here she has him in a really fascinating look at how his life evolves during his stint in Africa for the new Watchers Council. It's at times funny, at times bleak, all times good Xander fic.]

BtVS x Anita Blake
1. Dawning Light by Mhalachaiswords: Dawn fell from Glory's tower and into the portal. Now she's all alone and scared... but sometimes family comes from the strangest places.

BtVS x Labyrinth
1. Darkened Faerie Tale by Lucinda: Dawn wishes Willow and Amy away to the Labyrinth. They are NOT happy. [note: It's an interesting look at the darker side of the Labyrinth. I don't generally choose to read Willow stories, but this one is engaging and thought provoking.]

BtVS x Lord of the Rings
1. The Gift of Death and Without by Cinnamongrr1: Yes, another Buffy-jumps-into-the-portal-and-ends-up-in-Middle-Earth fic but give it a shot, eh? This one's different. Two smutty interludes as well. The story continues with magical love, mystical portals dropping modern chicks into Middle-Earth. Haldir gets what's coming to him, but there's always a catch. [note: one of the best OC heroines I've ever read, charming from beginning to end. Seamless weaving of two disparate universes with a neato dollop of history.]

BtVS x Stargate
1, Bridges by Tassos: After the collapse of Sunnydale, Jack gets a call about a woman he knew over twenty years ago . . . and the son he never knew he had. [note: I don't really get into SG1 fics often, but this look at Xander and Jack charmed me towards both of them, while being fair to everyone in both universes.]

CSI: Las Vegas
1. That Brillows Thing by Elementalv: A bit of Brass, a bit of Willows, and you've got a wonderful tale of a charming, but real, relationship. [note: I don't know if this series has a formal name, but it should. It's that good.]

1. The Little Things Series by WriteWritWrote: “You can use me, if you need to,” she whispered as she slid to the floor and walked towards him. “It’s your job, after all. Your hands could make me work.” [note: This is the beginning of a series of ficlets detailing the evolving relationship between River and Jayne, and is one of the few shipper fics I'll recommend. It's that good, takes things slow, and is utterly believable.]
2. Silk by 'Fan: Fanty and Mingo, and what they think about Mal. [note: This is one of those fics that you feel as much as you read. It's lush and tactile and just a little bit disconcerting. Perfect.]

Firefly x Anita Blake
1. Different Eyes by Mhalachai: Serenity gets four new passengers and, as usual, things are not as they seem. [note: These worlds should be mutually exclusive, but so aren't. By the end it'll feel as natural as can be.]

Harry Potter
1. The Knight Errant Chronicles by Guernica: For centuries, the Faery people have been a mysterious, sometimes persecuted minority in the Wizard world. But now Albus Dumbledore has persuaded them to send an officer of their military to teach the Fae canon of magic at Hogwarts. Meanwhile, Severus Snape spends a memorable evening with a stranger in King's Cross...WIP[note: Another fabulous female OC, this melding of an original universe with HP will knock your socks off. Brilliant descriptions, delicious world, fun times that'll keep you on the edge of your seat.]

Harry Potter x Anita Blake
1. Inevitable by Mhalachai: A late-night run-in with werewolves in the woods outside St. Louis dumps Harry Potter into a whole new world of trouble. Now Anita Blake has to deal with a new charge as well as Death-Eaters come to town. WIP[note: An Epic of Epic proportions, this fic has it all. Trust me--you'll love it. You have to.]
2. Harshness, Cold and Deceipt by 'Fan: The impossible happens and one of Edward's jobs goes incredibly wrong, so much so that he finds himself wounded in the living room of one of the most ancient wizarding families of England. [note: Okay, so this was written for my birthday, but it really is lovely. Two of my favorite characters, Edward and Narcissa, doing what they both do best. What's not to love?]

Highlander x Witchblade
1. Circles and Incongruities by Lori Wright: After the great rewind, Sara finds help from two Immortals in dealing with her problems. Jake McCarty sees a painting in Kenneth Irons' home that the Watchers must possess. Can Joe Dawson purchase the picture or must they resort to a more direct method? [note: These two older fics are some of the best I've read. Neat history lessons in both, and absolutely splendid characterizations all around. Sadly, I don't think she'll write more in this series as she appears to have dropped off the internet.]

1. Pieces of Cake: "These underworld child-bride deals never end well." Pause. "Well, maybe once." Nuff said. Sarah grows up--and through several fandoms on the way. Hee! Total comic genius!

1. Friendly Skies: Genfic, Sam and Dean take a plane flight--and Dean requires a little...assistance. Hee! Comedy gold.

Supernatural x BtVS
1. The Roadhouse Series: Ellen, Angel, others. Ellen never expected to see him again, not now, in the shadows behind the Roadhouse, and certainly not with the information they desperately needed.

Supernatural x Gilmore Girls
1. A Beautiful Taste by Monimala: Lorelai/Sam. His face is leaner than Dean Forester's.
2. Outskirts of Normal by Mhalachaiswords: Lorelai/Sam. He looks like Dean and tastes like sin and all Lorelai knows is that she's out of her mind.

Underworld x Anita Blake
1. Remnant by Sonya: In the aftermath of the end of the Corvinus' line, Selene finds that the world is not quite as she thought it was - again. WIP[note: A clever entwining of the two worlds, this looks at the origin of all species from a fresh perspective.]

Veronica Mars
1. Smoke 'Em If You Gotham by Monimala: Veronica/Lamb, Halloween smuttage, completely random but utterly delicious.
2. Scattered Stars Like Constellations by Sadiekate: Weevil/Logan/Veronica. Veronica had no reason to be spending time with someone she still harbored complicated feelings for, especially not when he had complicated feelings for someone else, someone she had fucked not more than a month earlier.

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