Title: Lifeboat
Author: houses at
houses_on_fireFandom: Veronica Mars
Characters: Logan, references Logan/Parker, Logan/Veronica
Timeline: Midwinter break AU, Season 3
Spoilers: through Spit and Eggs, S3
Rating: G
Word Count: 200 (Double Drabble)
shangri__la who won the En Prise prize!
Logan never thought he’d be the guy with a savior complex. Survivor complex? Sure. Psychotic jackass complex? Obviously. But he never knew he was the savior type, not until Veronica.
Watching her stumble and fall-only to be pushed away when he tried to pick her up, well, that he couldn’t stand. He held out hands, threw life preservers, and gave metaphorical rescue breaths, and she only turned away.
He guessed he shouldn’t be surprised that when she finally gave him the heave-ho, or he gave it to her, or it was a mutual conflagration of mis-cued disaster, that he would find someone he could save, who would take his hands, his life preserver, his breath, and learn to live again.
It was more surprising that it was her, with her parallel traumas and un-avoidable similarities. Parker was what Veronica could have been, if she were missing the fundamental bits that made Veronica Veronica.
Every time he looked at Parker, he saw the parts that weren’t there, and he breathed little easier. He was never sure if he was her salvation, or she his, but in the end it didn’t matter. The lifeboat was big enough for both of them.