I bought a new PC monitor on Amazon last week, and it arrived this morning.
It's great, in comparison with what I had before, although not as sophisticated or large as many that are now available. Having said that, it was only £83, with no postage charges since I currently subscribe to Amazon Prime. I chose it partly because it has so many rave reviews.
It's a HANNS.G HW191 19" widescreen TFT LCD monitor (whatever that means), and I've also ordered a DVI cable (which hasn't yet arrived) as I read in the reviews that it'll make a big difference to the display.
It was easy to set up (though I did have to make a quick adjustment to the Vista (ugh) display settings to get it going at the correct resolution), and so far I'm very happy with it :) Highly recommended to anyone on a budget.
Here it is on Amazon, and do take a look at the
reviews :)