New Dell computer **is incredulous** comes without a modem connection point...

May 16, 2008 22:08

So here I am with my new Dell computer. When I got to the part about plugging in things before starting it up I searched in vain for anywhere to plug in my modem cable. It turns out that it doesn't have the necessary card!

In the shop I told them I use it 90% of the time for the internet, and from time to time for vidding, music recording and a bit of word-processing. Nobody said a single word about it not having a modem card. I find it hard to believe that in 2008 Dell can be selling a modern computer (which would have cost about £570, which is currently over $1000US) without a f*cking modem connection point! I suppose I'll have to make another journey to the shop tomorrow and buy a card and install it (thus invalidating my warranty as soon as I take the back off the PC, I suspect). After that I'll sue PC World in the Small Claims Court for the cost of the new card, and the hassle.

*screeches indignantly*

Thank goodness for my laptop in the meantime. Also, I'm going to try to network my old PC, and maybe if I'm lucky the internet connection in that one will automatically be available in the new one. Does anyone know?

*deep cleansing breaths*

Well, at least it's playing some music...

*goes off to try to network*

p.s. Hmmm... is it possible that I've misunderstood? (Wouldn't be the first time...) It *does* have a network connection thingy, but I assumed that that was for connecting it to my old PC. With the old PC the cable running from the back of the router to the PC has two different sorts of connections. The bog-standard network connection thing at the router end, and a flatter looking thing at the other end which went into the PC. That's the one that won't fit into the new PC. However, maybe if I replace that cable with one that has the bog-standard network connection thingy at both ends and plug the second end into what I thought was the 'port' on the new PC for connecting it to the new PC then that would do the job? I wouldn't resent buying a networking card for the new PC, as they couldn't have been expected to know I'd want to do it.

If anyone out there of a techy persuasion reads this and knows then please tell me the answer. In the meantime I'm about to dive into my Dummies book...


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