Almost Sunday evening

Jul 01, 2007 16:58

Well, it's 1658 hrs according to my clock, so soon early Sunday evening will be upon me. Or late Sunday afternoon. One of them, anyway. In either event, the point is that Monday will soon be here, and with it will come WORK. AAAAAAAGH..............

Blah, blah, blah... )

france, ficrec, smoking, books, myers-briggs, walking, food, o'brian, work

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drunken_hedghog July 1 2007, 19:42:00 UTC
Yup, just finished reading and not bored in the slightest (although I will admit to scanning a few things rather than reading them!).

I'm not into the audiobook thing but my Brother loves Audible. He's in his car a lot so it's perfect for him.

That hotel looks lovely and sounds very accommodating, is it reasonable as well?

Congratulations on the smoke-free days. I admire your willpower (or should that be won't-power). Have you thought about goign to the doctor for an alternative anti-smoking therapy? Because that stuff you're on sounds awful.

Btw, I saw you asking what the fandom wank that's going on is about. The best synopsis I can find of it is basically this post by Moony -
and this response by Leiascully -


housepiglet July 1 2007, 20:20:36 UTC
Hotel's not bad at all :) 55 Euros per night. I think if I'd got in sooner I might have got it for 47. So, can't really complain, right in the centre of a lovely place like Toulouse. Especially since the rest of the nights are going to be spent in my little tent :)

Many thanks indeed for those links to the fandom wank debate. I had no idea what licia was referring to, but I see it now. I never know what's going on!

Oh, and thanks for the encouragement re: the smoking thing too. The stuff I'm taking - I asked the GP to prescribe it, because it's the new anti-smoking Wonder Drug :) It's a bit unpleasant, but these things are all swings and roundabouts, and if putting up with this for 12 weeks gets me back of the evil lung rotting, health sapping, finance destroying crap that is nicotine then it'll be well worth any sacrifice involved :)


alex51324 July 2 2007, 09:06:23 UTC
I am even more behind things than you--I didn't know about the burning drama in the H/W community until I read about it here. :) Saw your questions to Moony. What I think raelly happened is that she thought, "Oh, I know, it would be just lovely if there was a community that posted *only* the things I personally want to read. I'll start an exclusive LJ comm, and I'll let other people watch it too, because I'm sure most of the fandom shares my taste!" And she was shocked--shocked, I say! to find out that other people didn't feel she was Speshul enough to deserve her own private, self-updating archive containing everything she wanted to read and nothing she didn't. So now she's backpedaling furiously in an attempt to create something vaguely similar but less obviously selfish ( ... )


housepiglet July 3 2007, 21:15:25 UTC
Hmmm... I'm not entirely sure what Moony's motivation was. Either way, though, I can't see how it can be anything other than divisive to start a new community by referring to a desire to avoid the 'crap' on House_Wilson. Tbh, I find it very difficult to read that as anything other than deliberately provocative. Maybe I'm too old and cynical though :)

That sounds like a very weird thing re: the RPG! Rather mean. Takes Moony's ankle in wee snout and worries it a bit.

I've been tempted to write a little meta!fic about it all, but that would probably look like shit-stirring so I prolly won't. It could be funny, though :)


alex51324 July 5 2007, 00:39:03 UTC
Yeah, it's hard to imagine what she thought was going to happen. There are a couple of new people posting on the comms whom I, personally, find annoying...but you're not going to love everybody. She strikes me as monumentally self-absorbed.

Re: the RPG, in retrospect, the fact that she was having so much trouble finding people to play the major characters, should have been a clue that maybe other people had learned to avoid her. But yeah, I was upset about it for a couple of hours.

Meta-fic would be funny, but you are right about the shit-stirring. You could write it and f'lock it, maybe....

Hope you are having a good week. Today is our Independence Day--I went to what was supposed to be a picnic at my grandmother's house, but it rained so we just had a little party indoors. I brought the cucumber sandwiches. Got to see the new babies, my niece Chloe and second cousin Cory. Normally there would be fireworks in the evening, but I believe those are going to be rained out too.


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