First Friday night blah for a while

Jun 22, 2007 23:05

1. Work is a hideous place to be, recently. I must start buying a Lottery ticket, or maybe rob a bank or something. Or even change jobs. Now there's a cool idea...

2. Today is Day 2 in my Chuck in Smoking attempt, aided and abetted by the new anti-smoking drug, Champix. It's made me feel pretty ill for the last week and a half, so the blasted thing had better work, grrr... Still, it's definitely in a good cause.

3. It's less than a fortnight now until my Pyrenean idyll. Well, idyll is what I'm hoping for. I dragged out the books last night, and learned that the section of the High Level Route I'm aiming to walk is the most difficult of the whole thing. 'E' for 'extreme' is the most challenging summary the author gives for a day. There are only 3 'E's in the 42 stages, but 3 of them occur in the 9 day walk I'm looking at. Gulp... I had second, third, fourth and fifth thoughts, but then it occurred to me that it made more sense to die happy falling off a Pyrenean mountain in bright sunshine than in most other places, so I'm giving it a whirl :) And there's always the chance that I might actually get to the other end in one piece, of course!

4. I can't really have a glass of wine in case it interferes with my anti-smoking resolution, so I've stuffed myself with crisps instead. Burp...

5. Oh, wow! I dunno whether y'all have come across Johnny Hollow or not, but I've been listening to their indescribably wonderful song "Gone" for more than a week now. I heard it on a Housevid over at YouTube. In fact... here it is! I like the vid, but it's the music that blew me away.

image Click to view

6. Well, I'm off now to watch a documentary in bed :) It's called The Bridge - disturbing stuff, but fascinating. Night night :)

rl, france, smoking, blah, music

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