Friday night ramblings - mainly computer upgrade stuff, chicken etc

May 18, 2007 18:03

Well, it's Friday evening again, thank goodness, and I feel a little hyper; so I thought I'd let it out in meaningless LJ ramblings :)

1. I seem to have spent most of the last week or so up to my elbows in the bowels of my computer's hardware and software. The PC has been very noisy for quite some time, and after I did something cunning to the ( Read more... )

food, blah, computer, work, music

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alex51324 May 19 2007, 01:39:16 UTC
Hi lovely piglet. I hope your chicken was both tasty and delicious. My doggies just finished racing around the room like crazy beings, and now they are resting. Dogs are weird.

I'm working on more mini-House-at-the-circus fun. Is House ever going to write another chapter of his fic? Or answer his comments on the first one?


alex51324 May 20 2007, 06:53:35 UTC
PS, the "Speeeeeeeeed" icon is cute. And I thought of another good thing about the most recent episode: we found out that the night janitor who wears his pants backwards likes House. I'm surprised we haven't seen any House-Night Janitor (though not necesarily House/Night Janitor) fic yet. (There hasn't been any, has there?) Maybe I should write some....or maybe you should write some....*somebody* should write some.


housepiglet May 20 2007, 23:32:30 UTC
*g* I'm glad you like the speeeeeeeeed icon :) Thanks!

I've not seen any House-Night Janitor fic, but I think you should definitely write some :) Maybe you could work it into a sick!wilson (not that I'm hinting or anything... *g*)

Please write a sick!wilson - I love Porch so much: I go back and read it about once a week! :)


housepiglet May 20 2007, 23:23:53 UTC
Hello beagly :)

The chicken was yummy thanks. I should think your dogs were racing because they could smell it. They're amazingly perceptive creatures.

I'm afraid House is positively cringing with embarrassment at not having replied to his comments yet. *kicks him* He'll get over there and do it this week. *eyes him malignantly*


alex51324 May 25 2007, 05:13:11 UTC
Well, don't make House respond to his comments if it is too difficult for him! For some reason I am picturing you kicking Pencils-verse House, the poor darling. Pencils-verse Wilson would not thank you for that!

Now I'm having this cracky idea for someone to write a fic-verse-crossover where the characters from different fic-verses get swapped, Threesome-verse Wilson meets Pencils-verse Chase and PLOT-verse House. Or something. Only I don't think I actually wanna write it.


housepiglet May 25 2007, 18:44:48 UTC
For some reason I am picturing you kicking Pencils-verse House, the poor darling.

*g* For some reason, House seems to have lost the power of speech! All his snark has drained away. Probably something to do with those evil pencils! *shudder* *pats him*

That crossover idea is extremely cool and original! I'd love to read that :)


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