So, it's Friday evening again :)
*sounds of wild cheering, and sipping of red wine, fill the air*
A selection of notable things done/experienced this week. (Well, everything is relative... It's not like I'd ever want to forget any of this stuff! :-)
- Monday 1: I finally started my new story, and for the first time I'm not actively counting words as I write them. It's nice to have the knowledge of a new story to work on tucked away at the back of my mind during the day; it feels like a little piece of secret treasure :)
- Monday 2: I also re-jigged the appearance of this page, which was fun. Choosing colours brought to mind the very interesting Luscher Colour Test, which I did from a book half a lifetime ago when I was a student. Quite fascinating! I've seen an online version, but it yielded a mere shadow of the detail provided by the book. Well worth a look, for anyone who's never seen it.
- Tuesday 1: it was Shrove Tuesday, which means Pancake Day here. Yum! It's fun to think that I've eaten pancakes with lemon and sugar on this day, virtually every year of my life. It's good to know that Easter is on the way. (Time off.)
- Tuesday 2: there was no House :(
- Wednesday: aagh! A woman reversed into my car as I was leaving the supermarket. Due to the way that another woman shot out of a side road into the side of my car and almost killed me less than 18 months ago, it felt like more of a shock than it actually needed to be. My car seems to be a collision magnet :( (When I say "almost killed me", btw, I'm referring to the way my car spun round twice in the middle of the road and ended up squished against a lamp-post, facing oncoming traffic. Fortunately, I escaped with a whiplash. Grrr....)
- Thursday: Ugh. Not a good day. Varous work-related battles and traumas. Least said, soonest mended, etc...
- Friday: well, it's Friday - that's probably enough in itself.
If I don't get organised and write out a route across Scotland this weekend I won't be able to go on the event in May :( I don't seem to be able to motivate myself to get on with it. I'd rather sit here and play with my new story. I know I'll regret it if I don't make the effort, though. Sigh...
It would also be good to get to grips with the cunning Tascam recording device this weekend. I've only had it 18 months, after all.
Well, that's it, really. A scrummy free-range chicken is cooking in the oven, I have wine (and cigarettes - oops) and the whole of the evening stretching ahead of me :)