The Twins consider the matter of fathers. Here in this place they have Ros as Adar, which Rín thinks is a good thing for their nephew to be if he has to be so much older than them.
Over in
that vague direction they also have Russa, who is really nice, and Ros' twin Rond... though Rín has heard that Rond has left that place and hopes he hasn't disappeared totally, that would make Ros sad which would make Rín sad too because he likes his nephew a lot and if Rín is sad then by default Réd is sad too...
Rín wonders where he would have to go to find Rond.
On the other hand, over
there, they also have Ros, which is good, but not quite good enough. Rín wishes the
Silly Lady would track down his Adar's mun and damn-well RP a scene where he and Réd can go find their
play Adar but Silly Lady keeps sleeping at all the wrong times...
Rín sighs and picks up his crayons again. Réd listens to his gusty sigh, knowing only as a twin as closely bound as he is to Rín what the more thoughtful half of their pairing has been thinking, and returns to his own colouring again, all sentiments agreeing with his own opinions.