Title: Revelry
Archive: V+V, Cannon
Summary: The girls come home.
Chronology: Directly after
Release the Bishops Warnings: Nothing really.
And some of the bunnies came back to fill in the gaps in the timeline. Why do I have to keep jumping from POV to POV? And where am I going with the church? Oh, I remember now, to hell... But that comes later. ^_^
When Winry and Scieszka finally got released from the hospital, it turned into a party. Everyone from Roy’s command showed up at the house, along with Miss Tetley and the other family next door, their two daughters sent home when the booze showed up. The music was loud, the food thoroughly unhealthy and the spirits high.
Both girls had to dance with each man present, and then were forced to open gifts. Winry laughed and went along with it, dragging her bewildered girlfriend. The party was more of an excuse to not think for a while and celebrate being alive, than anything else. The presents were small and inexpensive, chosen while the girls were injured for the chance that things worked out. It was a kind of superstitious tradition that no one wanted to argue with.
Edward sat at the table watching as everyone danced on the new patio in the back yard. He’d promised to transmute it back to normal tomorrow, but for now he was glad that the revelry was concentrated outside rather than inside with his books. The kitchen was a disaster, the living room a mess, and Hayate had been relegated to the bedroom to keep Breda from bolting and upsetting the painfully civilian neighbors.
As Fury twirled Scieszka around again, Edward let himself feel a little content. Neither he or Masuta were drinking, Roy and Riza would never allow themselves to get drunk; but Al was already packing the beers away and many of the others were starting to slur their words.
Ed had argued for the party, against Roy and Riza’s concerns. Everyone needed down time, a bit of relaxation and a chance to escape from reality. Ed knew that a party wouldn’t change anything, but if it made so many people happy for a little bit, then it couldn’t hurt. And the girls needed it, needed to feel normal and appreciated and cared for. They also needed not to think about what had happened, what could happen again.
Edward picked up his coffee and started for the back door. Tomorrow, when the light of day could not be escaped, there would be time to hash out a new/old reality. Tonight was for reaffirmation, and getting drunk.
Roy met his eyes as he stepped outside and the banked heat there sent a shiver down his spine. Maybe getting drunk wasn’t on his itinerary, but getting laid? That held distinct possibilities.