Caps: LONG WAY ROUND ep 7 (+ extras)

Feb 27, 2006 15:15

Long Way Round ep 7 (of 7) SCREENCAPS
starring Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman

No. of caps: 941
Size of caps: 768 x 432 (good quality, big size!)

RULES: Comment | Credit houseoficons for the caps | No hotlinking

EDIT: Re-uploaded Apr 17 '06

Previews and ONE LONG REVIEW, YES: In the final episode 7 Ewan and Charley take a plane from Russia to Alaska and now have about 20 days till the end of their journey in New York. Ewan trims his unkempt beard (it's still long!) because apparently there were mice and other nasty creatures nested in it. *laugh* They have a boat trip, come close to one of the largest wood fires ever in America and the ice hotel they were supposed to visit has melted! They're eager to push on but they stop at a hotel because they're literally falling asleep on their bikes - they realize just how tired they are. On the other hand they can't wait to see their families again. "I can't wait to have my arms around Eve!" says exhausted Ewan into his camera.

They rush into Canada, wanting to arrive home on schedule, and Ewan goes shopping for jeans and a new pair of boots when they're doing laundry. :) They cannot believe they have only 15 days left and remember how it was when they were in Germany with 115 days still to go. It seems so unreal they're almost home. Ewan's phone starts ringing like mad as soon as they're in Canada; he wants to be free yet there are agents on the line and over 20 phone calls. Gaaaaah. The reality of the trip and its end has set in.
But it's not over yet and they have fun at a buffalo ranch (riding buffaloes, yay!) and an amusement park (fun fair, yay!), but they also have an accident on the street when a car collides with Ewan's bike from behind driving 15 miles an hour. *gulp* Lucky for them they all get out of it safe and sound! Ewan could have died!
"I'm so glad you're still here!" the relieved Charley says to his friend.
"I should be underneath the car... dead... That's where I should be right now!" says Ewan, completely baffled, and Charley goes on about how "so, so, so lucky" he is. God! O_O
"I was about to kill him (the teenage driver of the car)," chuckles Charley later on. "But then I noticed how young he was...".

They pass the last border crossing into Montana. There's more great horse riding, visiting Jim's mom and having a home-cooked meal after a realllyyyy long time. Charley keeps amusing us with funny faces and jokes how he'll have nothing to do once the trip is over. Another thing on their schedule is visiting the Orange County Choppers and drooling over and driving their awesome bikes. Ewan jokes what his wife would say if he bought another bike. He's so excited about them he looks like a child in a candy store. They have a most exciting time trying them out. Who-hoo!
Charley also says he went on the trip a bit "chunky" because he knew he'll lose weight. He loses over 30 pounds! Also, out of interest, they bring back 800 hours of tape from the trip.

Their sadness about the trip's end is over when their wives and kids shock them with a surprise visit *before* they drive into New York. The guys already felt the girls are near and it's a heart-warming moment when they finally fall into each other's arms (Remember "Daddyyyyy!"? Awww.). Eve wants the beard off ("It's so bizarre!") so she can see Ewan properly and Ewan is dying with laughter at her reaction. *chuckle* Ewan's dad arrives as well, totally to the surprise of his son ("Dad!!!!") because he thought he's in Scotland (he was ill and confined to bed when the trip started). We get to see the longest hugging scene ever. WONDERFUL.

It's 2 o'clock, July 29th and they've made it precisely on time. They cry when they reach New York and remember how previously people thought they might fail. But they showed them all! The last 3 minutes of the show display some of the most beautiful, difficult and memorable moments from the trip, with the catchy Long Way Round themesong in the background, plus the very last moments of them celebrating in New York. The final scene is of Ewan and Charley both laughing and crying as they're hugging each other.


I typed up this quote because it represents Ewan's view of the trip so nicely:

Ewan: "The one great thing is that I hope that it will inspire people that it's possible. A lot of things in life are those that people don't do because of the 'what if's, you know? 'But what if this happens?', 'But what if that happens?', 'What if you run out of petrol?'... And it stops us doing things, you know? It's a fact that the 'what if's and the 'might be's are what makes it so exciting. Because everytime you got into trouble or everytime your bike broke down, me met people who helped. And it's incredibly... It's a really optimistic view of the world that I have now. You know, all the people we have met all around the world have been incredibly generous, nice people. I mean, 99 percent (of them)!"







The caps are as follows:
Episode = 615 caps
Extras = 326 caps

Part 1 Part 1 (.zip, 18.6 MB)
Part 2 Part 2 (.zip, 18.0 MB)
Part 3 Part 3 (.zip, 18.1 MB)
Part 4 Part 4 (.zip, 14.5 MB)
Part 5 Part 5 (.zip, 17.3 MB)
Part 6 Part 6 - Extras - Trip preparation, Unicef message, Wrong way round (.zip, 15.8 MB)
Part 7 Part 7 - Extras - Glacier plane ride, I just can't do it, Post trip interview (.zip, 13.4 MB)
Part 8 Part 8 - Extras - Gallery, First 5 days (.zip, 11.2 MB)
Total = 126.9 MB
(Megaupload files expire if no one downloads them for 30 days)

Let me know when they expire and I will re-upload them!

Previously: Ep 1 caps, Ep 2 caps, Ep 3 caps, Ep 4 caps, Ep 5 caps, Ep 6 caps.

Feel free to add me to your friends list! :)

ewan mcgregor, caps, long way round

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