Long Way Round ep 4 (of 7) SCREENCAPS (+ .mp3)
starring Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman
No. of caps: 432
Size of caps: 768 x 432 (good quality, big size!)
RULES: Comment | Credit houseoficons for the caps | No hotlinking
EDIT: Re-uploaded June 24 '06
Previews: In episode 4 Ewan and Charley have a short stop in Russia and head toward Mongolia. In this stunning country the cameraman's broken motorcycle has to be switched to a new Russian one and the roads are so muddy and boggy most of the time that the team has trouble driving even short distances. During one of their breaks they have the pleasure to eat cow, sheep and goat testicles cooked by a Mongolian family. *eeew* Bathing naked in a river is also most fun! *cough* NAKED BUTTS! *cough* They find a portion of their way impossible to cross and have to go round a lake, taking longer then expected, then Charley's motorcycle, too, won't start. To top it off, the support vehicle team has an accident because of the muddy roads.
Part 1 Part 1 Part 1 (.zip, 20.0 MB)
Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 (.zip, 18.7 MB)
Part 3 Part 3 Part 3 (.zip, 17.0 MB)
Total = 55.7 MB
(Megaupload files expire if no one downloads them for 30 days)
Let me know when they expire and I will re-upload them!
Ep 1 caps,
Ep 2 caps,
Ep 3 caps.
Extra Goodie: Like the show's theme song Long Way Round by Stereophonics? Snatch it below and sing along! :) It's NOT available on the LWR soundtrack for some dumb unknown reason but it's clearly the best song of the series!
This is the song you hear in the opening of the show and at the end with the credits.
Long Way Round by Stereophonics (.mp3, 3.06 MB)
Remember me my love
I'm the one ya dreaming of
I'm going for a ride
I'll keep you warm inside
Gonna roll up the sidewalk
Gonna tear up the ground
Coming round to meet you
The long way round
Sooner or later
I'll get me off this track
Gotta do what it is that I do
Then I'm coming back
Got the sun in my face
Sleeping rough off the road
I'll tell you all about it
When I get home
Gonna roll up the sidewalk
Gonna tear up the ground
Coming round to meet you
The long way round
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