Apr 01, 2006 01:43

OMGs, OMGs...I opened Drue's tummy up tonight to tighten her screws, 'cause she's all floppy.

Her plastic innards, near one of the screws on the torso, is CRACKING!

Like, it was tightened waaaay too much at the factory, and the corner cracked. It's too small and out of the way to get a picture of, but there's about 3 hairline cracks there. I don't think it's anything to worry about too much right now, but I just want to cry. I could live with her loose elbow joint, but if her insides break, it's all over.

Does anyone know if the two screws on the back of her head, that I can reach without prying off her scalp, is enough to undo in order to put a new body on? I'm not worried about it in the immediate future, but it seems to be something I'm going to need to do at some point. Poor Drue!

questions, customs

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