Drue got to come along to the office with me today.
She hollered at me for leaving her in the car while I worked, but loosened up a bit when we met a friend for coffee. We got a few looks in the coffee shop, and of course I left my camera in the car, so little miss takemypicture made me snap some when we got back.
She called it her payment for being molested by our friend. >_> hehe
I don't want to buckle up. You never do!
I do now. The car won't move until everyone is buckled.
Ooo, the XM. I get to pick the station!
Um, it's not hooked up yet...
Fine. Then I get complete control of the CD player.
Nope, sorry, I already loaded all my CDs!
Fine. Then I want to drive.
We've been through this before; you can't reach the pedals.
Yeah. You do the pedals, I'll steer.
Let me think about it...hmmm...NO.
GAH, I never get to do anything fun. *rolls eyes*
*Long-suffering sigh*