Time for an update I think.
Things are busy as always with work and SES. I really should get out and see people more often. I've been meaning to ring a few people and catch up with them but I keep forgetting or remembering too late (waves at Fi and Ellie).
I've been thinking about where I want to be and what I want to do a lot lately. A thought that has been stirring is going to uni and studying engineering. The more I think about it, I like the idea more and more. I've talked to a few people who have said that I would be ideal for it and go for it.
On wednesday, there is an
engineering careers expo in Brisbane Town Hall that I'm going to check out. I'd like to have a chat to a few unis regarding mature age studies and a few companies to see if they have traineeships available. I'd like to see what honours involves but I think that might be getting way ahead of myself.
I want to play with lego now dammit!