Okay folks, the
votes are in and you guys were overwhelmingly in favor of moving to Dreamwidth with Insanejournal a close second.
So how will this work?
The current plan is that we will officially make the switch on February 1st. It will take us mods that amount of time to get the new comm straightened out and things shifted over and organized.
What does this mean for you?
In the mean time, you guys can be working on getting your accounts set up. Please at least attempt to keep usernames the same to make things simpler, but if you can't, please let us know either via PM to the mod account or you can comment on this post.
Please also note that posts on DW will not count for AC until we officially move. Yes, some have been linked for Qi's characters but that is because she is unable to access LJ and would otherwise be unable to play at all. If you do make posts on DW (particularly SWS), please keep in mind that those comms would prefer our posts be OTA to enable everyone to play and we'd like to not ruffle any feathers in our move. :)
However, luckily for you all...due to LJ's continuing issues, several folks still having problems getting here, and the impending move...we've decided to not count AC for the month of January either and get back on things in February.
Questions? Comments? As always, please comment here or if you'd like to keep it private, PM the mod account.