May 16, 2012 10:17
This is obviously Avery's idea. Who else would come up with it?
Since things have been oh-so-serious oh-so-long this year, the Jack of Diamonds has declared that their Suit will be hosting a paintball battle on the edge of the Diamond grounds. All Suits are invited - and so is Arcana. We're all friends, right?
In the interest of team-building and cooperation, there will be intersuit teams. That means, yes, that Spades and Hearts and Clubs and Diamonds will all be on the same teams, working together to annihilate the competition. Currently Avery's spreading the word - talking to Silas and Sophie about it - but she'll need help since I, uh, have five characters and can't tag her into every post.
So what I need to know is what characters will either be interested or nagged into participating. I haven't decided if teams will be randomized or if we will collectively organize them for maximum hideousness. (Sade, Julien, Elisha. Oh that would end well.)
The tournament will probably take place the last weekend of May, as I have a three-day weekend and thus will theoretically have All The Time.
@character info