attempt to stop Asarlai's plan had been a valiant one, but there was only so much a mortal woman could do against a magician centuries-old. There was only so much a body could take, after all, and it seems Rachel's body has had enough.
Or so she reads on the doctor's face when she awakens. Even before he tells her the news, she knows it's bad. There had been too much pain, too much debris to land in too vital a place for it not to be.
"The damage to your back is extensive, milady, although it's a good sign that you can still recieve sensations from it." She almost laughs, never thought there'd be a day to be glad for pain, "There are some places off-Deck I can recommend for treatment, but there's no telling when-- or if-- you'll walk again. I'm sorry, your Majesty."
The morphine is blamed when she half-murmurs, "Don't call me that." But the doctor does nod and move into action when she asks him to send for the other Diamond Faces, if possible, and her assistant Lorraine most especially.
She tries to tell herself that the only thing this had changed about her leaving was the method in which she says goodbye. It doesn't help.
For all she is good at maintaining the Diamond Mask, Lorraine looks pale when she arrives before her Queen. Grows even more so when the Queen informs her of what must be done. Rachel had already decided that there's no use telling anyone beyond those already in the know that she'd been thinking about resignation-- better to let the Diamonds feel she'd stood with them to the end and abandoned them out of necessity rather than self-interest. It would help things hold together better in the long run.
It takes a bit of time to get the video camera set up. A few stops and starts while both she and her assistant try to figure out how it was meant to work out. But eventually it's set and her speech (which she'd already prepared so many times in her head; she only had to write it down and edit it now) said and when it's done she attempts a fragile smile at Lorraine and tells her to tell Silas to show it in a Suit and Deck-wide announcement.
Lorraine is crying when she curtsies to her Queen for the last time, thanking the older woman for all she's done before she departs.
When she does, Rachel can't help but weep a little, herself.
The Diamond Suit and representatives from the other three are called to the Diamond throne room a few hours later. There's a somberness on the faces of those aware of the situation that calls back to mind Lindsey's death, although the room is absent of the black drapery that had accompanied that paticular revelation. Perhaps it should have been there. It would have been appropriate, in a way.
Silas says very little in the way of preamble, choosing instead to let the recorded message speak for itself. Rachel looks like a ghost in the unhealthy light of the hospital, but when she speaks, her voice is as regal as ever.
"My beloved Diamonds, and esteemed members of the Deck," she begins, "My thanks for being in attendance today, and my apologies for not being there, myself. As I'm certain you can see, I'm not entirely able to at the moment.
In my stead, my fellow Faces have called you here so all of you may be aware of the news I have to give. It has been revealed to me that the injuries I have acquired appear to have granted me-- at least temporarily-- limited movement from the waist down." She doesn't say none, doesn't allow herself to, "Since these injuries clearly render me incapable of behaving as Queen for however long their effects last, for the sake of my Suit and my own health, I have chosen to resign from the position, effective immediately."
There's a pause, a decision quickly made. There's no need to tell them who or what caused the injuries-- they already know, or at least suspect. There's no need to tell them that in actuality, this is a decision made long before the situation made it necessary.
Instead, she calls a calm almost-smile on to her face, "My Diamonds, I thank you for allowing me to serve you for these eight years as your Queen and longer as both Ace and Number. It has truly been an honour. I hope that after spending some time off-Deck recovering, I may be able to return to you all once more." She cannot curtsy, instead dips her head with a queenly cant for the last time, "Thank you all, and goodbye."
The video turns off. Silas says some closing remarks, allows the visitors and Suit members alike to remain and inquire as needed, although there's not really much to discuss.
Still, the parallels to the declaration Lindsey's death are there, and the absence of that which was there and is now not is jarring-- there's no Isaac standing in one area of the room, overseeing the movement of Twos or Threes willing and able to serve since they can do no else.
No Rachel standing next to those oh-so-empty thrones, dressed in black but still the Queen the Diamonds need. Not anymore.
Never again.
[OOC: Face Card visitors of the Diamond variety can visit prior to the announcement or afterwards, all other visitors can come by after the announcement. I'll put up one comment for reactions in the throne room and another for those in the hospital. The ones in the throne room, feel free to threadjack to your heart's content, but the ones in the hospital can stay their own little things, please&thanks. A little bit more info will be put up in the OOC post I'm going to put up.
TL;DR: Rachel got seriously hurt fighting Asarlai and has to step down as Queen, not telling anyone who didn't already know that this was the plan already. A video announcement by Rachel was recorded and shown to the Diamonds and members of the other Suits. Visitors in the hospital can come by until she's taken off-Deck.]