There were a few things that Master Henry always kept as a tradition- the Annual Shakespeare on the Green productions being but a part of them. It was the biggest day of his year, though it was not his only production of the year, it was the biggest. The stage was built for this one night, and on this night Master Henry introduced the play as he
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But he hadn't, perhaps, paid as close of attention as he could have, not when the woman beside him had seemed...well, rather off her game. And somehow, he'd managed to not learn the news that had her so quiet, had made her uninclined to the usual flirtatious conversation he was used to from her.
And somehow, he didn't think it was the presence of Laureline also in the audience.
He just wasn't certain what it was.
So he settled for being a stolid presence beside Avery as they head over to the meet and greet, not pushing, if only because they were out in public.
Avery had decided when she'd been brushing her hair and pinning it up that she wouldn't mention this to Hadyn. Not today. It was, after all, his twenty-first birthday, and there was a rumor that he and Sieben had once been some sort of item. If he hadn't gotten a letter, she wouldn't ruin the day. So she just firmed the mask and smiled at Davin when he came to her door. She wouldn't be at all surprised, though, that he'd seen through it.
Which...perhaps is why she stopped him with a hand on his arm before they get in earshot of the actors. "I need to tell you something." It was possible, of course, that he knew.
It can be assumed that what she actually has to say is likely one of the last things he'd expect to be what is bothering her.
"Okay. What's on your mind, Avery?"
There isn't one. "Your butler brought me a letter this morning," she finally said, looking up at him. Her expression barely changed, but her eyes darkened. "Sieben is. Dead. Suicide. I hadn't said anything, because," and she stopped for a moment, her eyes dropping for a moment before she looked back up at him with a rueful not-quite smile on her mouth.
"I don't want to ruin Hadyn's day."
But still, he was the Spade Jack. And that did mean something. So he stared at Avery for a long moment, not quite comprehending her words, thinking maybe she had actually said something else and it had filtered through out of order.
But no. That's what she'd said, she couldn't have said anything else. And, he remembered of course the things that had been said about Avery and the Jack.
"Oh. I. That's-..." words were insufficient. But gestures...he isn't sure how that would be received either, so he pushes on through. "That's very kind of you."
Davin's words, at least, produced a raw chuckle, a slightly more real smile. "Well, you only turn twenty-one once," she said. "And the body paint is probably going to make it suck enough as it is."
"Body paint?" Did he sound a little weak?
Laureline might have to murder....someone.
She nods, stepping closer and pointing. The actors are coming out, and there's a quiet roar of shock at the sight of the Prince of Denmark; Master Henry, for his part, looks like he wants to cry. "Henry," she said, "should really never tell Hadyn to dress in something respectable. I think it brings out his rebellious side."
Hopefully they could slide up to speak to Hadyn and then slide out again. Hugs honestly wouldn't go amiss, but people would just...ask.
Which made the whole Diamond mask kind of moot.
Actually wearing paint that only peripherally resembled clothing....
Davin sighed. "I'm going to need a drink."
More than one. And for more than one reason.
But that was later, and she sighed as she slipped her hand in the crook of his elbow. "Come on. Let's put on our amused-but-perturbed looks and go say hello."
They weren't, at least, the worst Hadyn would have to deal with, that was for certain.
So that's how he ends up sticking around for the meet and greet to shake Hadyn's hand and give him his congratulations.
Though what Hadyn comes out wearing (or not wearing, as the case may be) has him raising his eyebrows rather high, indeed.
Though this year seemed to be lacking certain faces more than usual.
"Did you like it?"
Though his words are a bit awkward because he's still distracted by Hadyn's ensemble.
"If you don't think about it too much, it isn't nearly as disturbing as you think."
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