Apr 10, 2012 22:38
One certainty in the Deck: If the rumor mill catches wind of something, then everyone will have heard of it by the end of the day, if not earlier. In this case, the news of Queen Rachel's return has spread through the castle within two hours of her stepping foot into the Crystal Palace.
It is tempting to simply return to her quarters to rest, but there is too much to be done. Too many people to speak with, too many decisions to be seen through, too much information to share. So after a few brief moments in her chambers to refresh herself, the Diamond Queen makes her way back to her office and informs one of the passing Threes to send word to those she has need to speak to: Säde, but she was off-Deck. Avery, of course. The Royals of other Suits, if they could be located. And, to the unwitting messenger's surprise, Ashley.
Everyone else that had urgent news she trusted would have the sense to drop by themselves-- she was well-aware that by now her return will be common knowledge.
After all, the effectiveness of the rumor mill is a certainty in the Deck.
[OOC: While this is probably going to be for Diamonds, Numbers of other Suits are welcome to stop by and chat, and she's hoping to speak with at least one Royal of each Suit if they can manage it. I'll also match styles as needed. <3]
eileen ♣,
+spades ♠,
rachel ♦,
+hearts ♥,
lelial ♦,
ashley ♦,
katya ♠,
+clubs ♣,
@diamond castle ♦,
+diamonds ♦,
argine ♣,
avery ♦