Mar 14, 2012 22:21
The last Card exited the gym and Ethan took a moment to catch his breath, guzzle a bottle of water and mop his drenched face and neck, then plunked down on one of the benches and checked his watch. Almost four-thirty. He'd told Grace to meet him here then to begin her "training", or at least her education in the world of self-defense.
This was going to be challenging for both of them; the new Diamond knew absolutely nothing about combat of any sort, and he'd never worked with such raw material before, as all of those he'd grown up with and taught over the course had at least a background in the arts. But she seemed willing to learn and he was determined to teach her well, albeit with a bit more practical -and humane- methods than he'd endured.
Knowing Declán or one of the kitchen helpers would direct her down to the gym and training areas, Ethan tossed aside the towel and water bottle, getting up and stretching while he waited, forehead to ankle, because cramping muscles later were definitely not on his to-do list.
@spade castle ♠,
grace ♦,
+diamonds ♦,
+spades ♠,
ethan ♠,