As promised, he's in a
dress when he travels onward to pick up the girls.
shoes, and
long black gloves. Low and behold you can see the ink that splashes over his skin even if he remains masked. Not like he cared with the ladies he was keeping company. First, in to town. Gather up a few samples and such, then - girl time ~
[ ooc: I AM SO SLOW
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If Säde is at all displaying any amusement at the situation, it's at Shishi's outift, because being dragged out under false pretences? This Ace is Not A Happy Camper.
Don't you even give him that attitude, girlfriend. No one lied to you. They are talking festival needs after a bit of shopping and over, you know, doing other stuff.
Hand meet hip. "I dyed my hair purple just to match this dress. Do you know how hard it is to bleach asian hair? It's ridiculous. I did this for you, Sade." A pause. "Tell me I'm beautiful."
You love him, just admit it.
Not that that isn't the worthiest of causes.
But perhaps first they can focus on their own outfits, yes no?
But there's still a tiny cranky twist to her mouth as she turns her attention to the racks of clothes.
"Now!" His hands clasp as he wanders the rows of clothing and accessories. Small shop and full of unique things. "Since I know there's been a bit of drama llama with Dafydd I thought he could use the distraction and asked if he would like to help with little pastries which he said yes, of course. We need to make a list of absolute musts! Also, we have a Novak bartending." Hands come to his lips as he peeks around a row of clothing.
"That reminds me, perhaps our new Two would be interesting. Grace is an actress."
And now to the real question: food. Wren's always been a slave to her figure. "All the usual sugar, spice and everything nice, of course... but we should make sure there's at least a few dishes that won't make me explode out of my dress, mm? Veggie hors d'oeuvres."
"That's what detox days are for darling, or just encourage everyone else to eat more so at the end of the night it balances out. Huuu~"
"Well, Garette's doing a thing but at midnight, mon cheries, there's going to be a masquerade and we absolutely must, must, must have the best live musicians without question. As for Grace, I fear I know so little of our new card. Do we know her spotlights yet?"
"Grace? Not yet. I sent her to Paola earlier today to audition, so I imagine we'll have a full report soon." Likely early next week, which reminded her - her birthday was Tuesday. Wonder what they'd be coming up with this years. "Ah, a masquerade," she says, smiling. "I missed the one at Halloween."
Wren's more excited about the dance than anything. Which is why she needs a bangin' dress. Legs out, she thinks, this time. So she's only looking at the short ones. Puffball? Crushed silk?
"Masquerades are fantastic. But this one isn't fancy dress but general glamour masks, is that right?" She prefers them, anyway.
Out comes another dress, pretty enough, but a size too small for her. Beyond that, quite a suitable colour for any of them, so she waves the hanger a bit. "Would any of you prefer this? It's lovely, I'd hate to see it go to waste."
And from the corner of some large clothing pile you'll see a hand and hear a 'yoohoo' as it points downward. "Many masks, darlings. Alas our lovely Ace is correct. To prepare something up to standard might be less than easy." -- "Hurram, perhaps? I think she'd look darling in that."
He's shuffling through the yellows. One gasp. Two gasp. Three. "Oh my!" Comes the exclamation as he pushes the clothing aside to showcase these three dresses
"Ladies, a moment of your precious time please!"
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