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OTA ishineon November 13 2011, 21:46:27 UTC
Säde has tea in hand as she watches the flames spread. This year, as every year, she's glad to see it burn; after all that's happened, a conscious shift in the world is what's needed.

(ooc: due for work soon- tagging back later)


ratherberiding November 14 2011, 03:02:45 UTC
She isn't the only one. Mel steps up beside her with a sigh, scrubbing a hand over her face. "I'm gonna sleep for a damn week."


ishineon November 14 2011, 10:37:07 UTC
"Not starting until the bonfire's over, I hope," she answers wryly, turning to her friend. "After all, it'd be a pity to miss the festivities you've worked so hard for."


ratherberiding November 14 2011, 18:33:46 UTC
"I guess I can manage to eke out a few more hours, since you put it like that," Mel says with a laugh that, while tired, isn't forced. Seeing the bonfire lit always relaxes her somewhat, even when there's more work to be done in the morning.


ishineon November 15 2011, 13:03:33 UTC
"It's a convincing argument, though," nodding towards the bonfire. "A better new year celebration than January. And much more in keeping with the seasons."


ratherberiding November 15 2011, 20:37:00 UTC
"We do like our traditions here," Mel agrees. "Seems to make more sense to have something in keeping with the seasons anyway." And the turning of the year feels especially real tonight. Things ending, other things beginning. Maybe tomorrow, she can start finding her way back to normal.


ishineon November 16 2011, 15:24:12 UTC
"It's hardly much of a tradition yet," Säde chuckles. "I'm waiting a few more years to call it that." Traditions aren't traditions to Säde until they're done for fifteen or twenty years.


ratherberiding November 17 2011, 17:59:28 UTC
"I suppose we can't call it a tradition until it's been carried on," Mel admits as she takes a drink. "But it runs like clockwork these days. I think it's well on its way."


ishineon November 18 2011, 03:16:00 UTC
"One thing that I'll be glad for the Deck to carry on."


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