NaBloPoMo (or actually, just a Blog-a-thon)

Oct 26, 2008 14:42

That's right. Instead of a NaNoWriMo, I'll be joining the National Blog Posting Month

Anyway, I'm not "joining" it as in signing up for it, per se, because it's clearly american and their themes (albeit not needing to follow them) are clearly american-biased. It's not in my interest at all. What I will be following is their 30posts in 30 days / A post a day. Of course, I may toss in two or three posts in one day, but it means I will work/think over some ideas and maybe elaboration or one scene shots everyday, concerning this "world" I'm revamping.

I thought it'd be cool :3

I guess what I'll be doing will be something of a Novel Blog-a-thon xD

In this timeline, I hope to at least accomplish a few things :
## coming up with a native name for Darkfriends
## Rework on the continents, at least brief desc/history
## Work on Kalisha's story
## Work on Rebirth!Lieg
## Retell Makira's story and tweaking it up
## Work on Rinka's story
## Work on a few posts about Arashi/Annex/The destruction of Arnarae (or however I spelt that)

It shouldn't be too hard to accomplish half of this, but knowing me.... :'D

-Lina A'rel
October 26th (1457hrs)

start, blogathon

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