Oct 16, 2006 23:59

okay... i expect MORE PEOPLE TO enter this challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like seriously man. please tell us what is keeping you guys from entering??? if it's school, we'll extend the challenges. if it's cuz the challenges aren't interesting enough, then give us some ideas! but at least tell us!!! and if so, let us fix the issue and you guys actually PARTICIPATE! :DDDD sound like a plan?

first place:

by canadiangirl_86

second place:

by ba4ever

third place:

by ba4ever

i want more entries to choose from for mod's choice next time!!!

last challenge was "the one with the angelic face"

this week's challenge is....


personally, i LOVE angel/angelus in his vampire face!!! gets me all hot and bothered!

use either two pictures below and create 2 icons in url and image format in a new entry! dont know how? ask!!!

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