meme, tons of questions

Mar 07, 2008 09:14

I was tagged by the terribly talented
blueheronz and since her wish is my command... on we go.

People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse. (Oh, I know I'm a party pooper, but I believe in free will. Play if you wish, or disregard, m'dears). These 8 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people.

1. You have 50 dollars in your pocket, what do you do with it?
Lunch at Caribbean Jack's in Daytona on the water, when the band is on

2. What is your most guilty pleasure?
H/C love, reading LJ blogs

3. What one possession do you value the most?
my great-grandmother's wedding band

4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Right now, today, I am hurting. So today, I am overwhelmed by what lies ahead.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
That's a scary question. Thinking positively, I am active and working. With a healthy little first grader heading off to school.

6. Name a personal hero.
My Great-Grandmother, she raised her son, her son's kids, and me. Never asked for anything from anyone.

7. If the person you like doesn't accept you, would you continue to wait for them to change their feelings?
Do you mean like like? If it's a hubba-hubba type of like, I have to let the crush run it's course. If I try and use my head over my heart, it will only go stronger. If you mean friendship-like, I could care less. Like me, don't like me, whatever. Just be honest about it.

8. If the person you secretly liked was already attached, what would you do?
Well he is, attached to me!

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?

10. What do you want most in life?
To live everyday like you're on vacation

11. Which of the 7 deadly sins do you relate most to? Why?
Pride. I think it's part of growing up an 'only', with lots of family watching my every move, there was lots of pressure to be perfect. Now I have a fear of failure or even a fear of not being as perfect as I should be.

12. If you could go anywhere right now where would you go?
Isn't House filming again? Yeah, I'd go there. Set up camp on set.

13. Who is currently the most important person/people to you?
I'm a Wife first, and Mother 2nd. Everything else comes after that... so, my Husband and Daughter.

13.2. What song do you relate to at the moment?
'Waiting on an Angel' by Ben Harper

14. What gives you hope?
The idea that one day I'll wake up pain free.

15. Do you believe there is nothing higher than human kind?
I'm sure that I'm not sure.  Certainly it's possible that we are not 'alone'.  I do not have faith for the sake of faith though.  I look for reason and truth, proof and science.

16. What do you think about love?
It's a great four letter word, that often provokes other not-so-great four letter words over the course of enough time.

17. Do you give your all in a relationship?
No.  I know this about myself and am making a commitment to work on that.  Constantly I feel like I'm holding back because I don't think my partner is giving enough.  Ugly, but true.

18.Do you have a favorite quote? If so, what is it?
Lots! But how can you chose? Life is like a box of chocolates? No, not that one...

19. What type of friends do you like?
My true friends aren't easily offended, but if I do piss 'em off, they'll tell me so we can get over it.  They speak up.  They don't judge.  Most of all, instead of cleaning my house before they come over, true friends come over early to help you clean. You know I really like you when you walk in my door and I hand you a swiffer.

20. What are you going to do once you finish this meme?
Go back to work, grab another cup of coffee, chase down my 15 month old that I think has her hands in the toilet right now. Gross.


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