Things you don't expect to see at a set of traffic lights....

May 02, 2009 01:49

So, chilling in my friend's car at a crossroad set of traffic lights, we see a red saloon sitting and not really doing much. We are suitably confused as its light has turned to green and it can happily go on it's way. It lurches forward in a clutch-fumbling kind of way and then stops. The woman in the passenger seat gets out and starts frantically pushing it across the junction. My initial thought was wondering why the husband didn't get out and push instead.

Imagine our collective suprise when the car comes across the junction before braking unexpectedly to reveal the individual in the driver's seat is probably 8 years old at most. The mother then runs and climbs in the PASSENGER SEAT to offer instruction on how the car is supposed to work, before leaving the child in the car to walk to a garage. Bizarre country.
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