Jun 13, 2006 12:35
Do you all know about the minister's cat game? It's some victorian british parlor game where you sit in a circle of people and fill in the sentence "the minister's cat is...." with adjectives in ascending alphabetical order and you have to go around the circle with the letter and if you miss or repeat you're out.
Anyways, why I am thinking this is that damn Tasuki got out today. I was bringing boxes in from my car two at a time with the squirt bottle in my hand so that I could stave him off right at the door, but on my third trip he came bounding out of nowhere and rushed outside and promptly into the neighbor's yard. After fifteen minutes of bushwacking I gave up trying to retrieve him and went to the grocery store like I'd planned to in the first place. Upon my return, who should leap from the bushes back into the house but our own darling fuzzball! He makes me want to kill him sometimes.