Jan 13, 2005 11:05
From the moment you start the game, to the moment when the church bell rings, is one of my top 5 gaming experiences of my life. Heh, that may seem dramatic, but seriously, we're talking high quality shit right here. Using a Shotgun to blow away 10+ people at once, a psycho with a chainsaw cutting your head right the fuck off, and intensity that's just hard to put into words. After your done, and you're able to explore that first little village area, it's like a completely different universe. "Whoa, that was a cow?" you may find yourself asking the empty room your sitting in, because you sure didn't have time to wonder what the hell it was when dodging the axe thrown at you what suddenly seems like hours before.
Now, I've been a long time critic of Resident Evil. It has the two things I hate with the greatest of passions. Shitty camera, and shitty controls. I'd rather eat rat feces then deal with these 2 things for any extended period of time, and Resident Evil is famous for having both. Now, the controls are pretty much identical, but they put that pesky camera right behind Leon's head. I mean stuck right the fuck there. That thing doesn't wander an inch. Suddenly, this is one of my favorite third person control schemes EVER. Why they didn't do this before, I'll never understand, but if they ever go back I'll cry like a girl. Add to this a quick map button, a quick reload that doesn't involve the inventory screen, and the ability to draw your knife, and I almost crapped my pants! I never thought I would ever type these words, but OTHER adventure games will now have to look to Resident Evil... Resdient fucking Evil... for inspiration on how all control/camera schemes should work.
I feel dirty... but if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to shooting out kneecaps.