lets talk about ABOR-SHUN

Dec 29, 2009 21:26

Yes, I'm pro choice. Really tho, I think the whole damn government should get outta the game. How nice would it be to be able to elect a president based on how good of a representative they'd be? How great of a diplomat they'd be? but no. We have single issue voters on BOTH SIDES who won't vote for a person because of how they view reproductive rights. Fuck that.

BUT this article brought me much joy. For all the wrong reasons.
ZOMG it's King Herods cronies all over again!

some choice highlights from an otherwise dry article. Emphasis all mine.

"However, the unborn are clearly on Senator Reid's naughty list and they will suffer greatly if this horrible
                         legislation is enacted.

All black humor aside, the Catholic and pro-life community is greatly concerned about Senate bill
                        provisions that will change federal policy in favor of funding abortion.

To place this bill in a historical Christmas context, Senator Reid’s effort to transform federal policy
                         to promote abortion would bring a smile to the lips of one of life’s enemies of old; King Herod.
                         During the first Christmas, King Herod’s edict resulted in the killings of all newborn boys in Bethlehem.

OMFG. Really? Really????

these few paragraphs made my night. How fucking hilarious can it be? King Herod??? Really? and promoting abortion? fer sure. Foetuses on Harry Reid's naughty list?? (the nit-picker in me wants to point out that to be a foetus, or even a fetus for that matter, you must be at least 8 weeks developed.) WTF??????


For the record, I think guys in full priest gear are hot. Am I the only one?
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